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What if...things turned out a bit differently in that snowy tundra? It's a really cute and wholesome AU based off of the events of the first episode of the new anime "To Your Eternity" I hope it makes you smile! I love the anime so much so I hope I did it justice!


Script Author and Artist: Lael 



Seikyuu VA

To Your Eternity

The Boy Meets You

Setting: The Tundra

(You are the heroine, the female protagonist, wandering alone in the middle of the snow at sunset, trying to find a warm place to stay for the night. You eventually find what appears to be a tiny village, and your arrival catches the appearance of a young boy and his dog.)

The Boy: Hello, I thought you were someone who came from the people who left this place to search for Paradise. But, judging by your clothes, it seems that you’re not. Are you lost?

(MC replies with a yes)

The Boy: I see. Where did you come from? Did you come from Paradise?

(She replies no)

The Boy: No? Then where did you exactly come from?

(MC answers that she came from an expedition camp in several miles away from where The Boy lives)

The Boy: An expedition camp? I see. You probably have walked a long way. I guess that must be hard. How did you get lost?

(MC answers that during the expedition, a blizzard occurred, separating her from the group, including her father)

The Boy: A blizzard? It separated you from your father and the others? I’m sorry to hear that. But please, do come inside. You must be tired. Here, I’ll treat you to a nice meal. Right, Joaan?

(Joaan barks)

(Both the boy and the MC enter inside the boy’s cabin. The girl hears the sound of fire crackling in the fireplace as she smells the scent of fish)

The Boy: Here, we have fish. Do you eat fish?

(MC says she never had fish before)

The Boy: I see. This must be your first-time having fish. But it’s ok. You don’t have to eat fish if you don’t want to.

(MC takes a bite of a cooked fish)

The Boy: Oh. You’re eating it? Well, that good. You need food for energy, after all. We have plenty of fish, so good ahead and dig in.

(Both the boy and the MC eat together as Joaan watches on. After finishing their food, the boy asks the MC where she came from before the blizzard separated her from her family)

The Boy: So, aside from the camp, where are you really from? Are you also from some place that also has a lot of people and fruit?

(MC tells him she’s from a place filled with greenery and people but has lots of flowers and animals.

The Boy: Flowers and animals? You mean animals like Joaan?

(MC replies with a yes)

The Boy: Do flowers taste good?

(The MC says that she and her people use them as spices, medicine and other things)

The Boy: Then why did you leave that place?

(MC replies that she left with her father and the others to find the philosopher’s stone)

The Boy: The philosopher’s stone? Is that some kind of food?

(The MC tells the boy the philosopher’s stone is a magical rock that grants power to its wielder)

The Boy: A magical rock that grants power to whoever uses it…personally, I prefer to find paradise where lots of people live, with fish and fruits.

(The MC asks the boy what he does in the middle of nowhere, aside from fishing for food, and why he lives alone)

The Boy: Me? Well…I’ve been talking to you about Paradise, right?

(The MC answers yes)

The Boy: Well, my folks left a long time ago in search of Paradise, where fruit grows and is full of other people. I wanted to go with them, but Joaan stopped me. My folks caught me trying to go with them, so they told me to stay behind to take care of my grandparents, despite my protests. But they promised to bring back souvenirs if they find it. So, I stayed behind to take care of my grandparents. But…as time went on, they got sick. And eventually, they passed away…one by one…leaving me behind.

(The MC tells the boy how sorry she is to hear his sad story)

The Boy: Oh, you don’t have to apologize. It’s not your fault. Besides, Joaan’s been with me ever since my grandparents died. He’s been my friend since the very beginning. Right, Joaan?

(Joaan barks)

The Boy: So, I’ve decided. I’m going to find paradise and if my folks are there with other people. I’m taking Joann with me. But since you and your folks got caught up in the blizzard, I guess I can take you along for the ride. And hopefully, we can find your father and the others. Right, Joaan?

(Joaan barks and wags his tail)

(The MC smiles)

The Boy: (giggles) I knew I’d be able to lift your spirits. For some reason, your smile seems to make me happy aside from the thought of Paradise. It’s kinda cute.

(MC blushes)

The Boy: (embarrassed) I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make you embarrassed or upset. It’s just that…that, uh…

(MC notices drawings on the wall)

The Boy: Oh! Those are drawings of my folks and the other villagers. I drew them on the wall so I wouldn’t forget.

(The boy notices that the fire is dying down)

The Boy: It looks like the fire is dying down. How about you stay for the night? I mean, you’ve been walking around in the snow for a long time and have no place to stay.

(MC replies yes)

The Boy: Here, you can sleep in my bed. Don’t worry about me, I’ll just sleep in my chair.

(MC says she wants to the boy to sleep next to her)

The Boy: Sleep next to you? U-Uh, ok. I-I’ll sleep next to you.

(MC asks if the boy is ok)

The Boy: I’m ok. I-it’s just that I don’t want to do anything to embarrass you.

(Joaan barks and pants)

The Boy: Hey! You better not get any ideas, Joaan.

(The boy climbs into bed and lifts up the blanket to allow the MC to climb in)

The Boy: Here.

(The MC climbs into bed)

The Boy: (blushing) Sorry if I’m this close to your face. Uh…warm blanket, right?

(The MC and the boy giggle)

The Boy: Anyway, once we leave, I hope we can find your father and your folks.

(The MC asks about the drawings of the people on the wall and how many family members the boy has)

The Boy: Oh, well…there’s my father and mother. My uncle and aunt…my cousins and their children, and then there’s my grandparents. As for the rest of them, they were friends and neighbors. Some friendly, others…not so friendly. There was friendly man with a beard who lived on the street. He and my family were close friends. And there was a really nasty lady. She was our neighbor, but I still consider her someone to remember by. What about you?

(The MC tells the boy that the people she grew up with were friendly, with others being mean)

The Boy: I see. I guess you and I are the same, huh. What about your family?

(The MC tells the boy about her older brother, her uncle and her father)

The Boy: (surprised) Wow, you have and older brother? I’m amazed, I didn’t know! As for me? Well, I’m an only child. What about your mother?

(MC replies she doesn’t remember her)

The Boy: You don’t remember?

(MC answers that her mother died of sickness a month later after the MC was born)

The Boy: I see… Well, I’m sorry to hear that. But my grandfather once told me that those who pass away become stars, always watching over us in the heavens and visiting us when we dream. They can also become spirits of the earth, the clouds, anything that goes. Always watching us from afar, guiding us, and protecting us. That, or their souls become butterflies. You see, the butterfly always starts in caterpillar form, eating leaves and getting big. I mean, really big, like the size of a dagger. But when goes into its second form, a chrysalis, they always look like weird looking bags, or darker…coffins. But when it reaches its final form, the butterfly form, it looks very beautiful. Then it just flies off to be with its fellow butterflies. They say butterflies are the souls of our loved ones, and sometimes they come to visit, even if we remember them or not. But they always watch over us, just like those who live in the heavens.

(MC begins to silently cry by shedding tears, causing the boy to notice)

The Boy: Oh, no. Shh. Don’t cry.

(The boy wipes the MC’s tears away)

The Boy: Shhhhhhhh…don’t cry. Shhhhhh. I didn’t mean to upset you, I’m sorry.

(MC tells the boy it’s not his fault and that it’s ok)

The Boy: You must miss you mother, huh.

(MC nods with a yes)

The Boy: But you shouldn’t forget that she loved you and that she’s watching over you. Ok?

(MC nods yes and smiles)

The Boy: Good. *yawns* I’m getting sleepy. You?

(MC replies)

The Boy: We better get some rest. Tomorrow, we head out to find your father. I’ve already made preparations for the trip before you arrived. So, when we find your father and the others, you and I will go our separate ways from there. It’ll be lonely, but I won’t forget you. I’m glad I met you.

(The boy kisses MC on the forehead, causing both of them to blush)

The Boy: Uh…

(The boy quickly hides under the blanket, covering his head)

The Boy: (muffled) Goodnight!

(The kiss placed on the MC’s forehead left her in shock and awe. She then turns to stare at the ceiling and is soon overcome with sleep, as Joaan watches)

The Next Day

(The sun shines a light through a crack in the wall on both the boy and the MC. The boy is sleeping on top of the MC as if he were sleeping on a cloud. The boy eventually wakes up, only to find who he’s sleeping on, causing him the jump up in embarrassment.)

The Boy: Ahh! Oh, my goodness! What have I done?

(MC wakes up)

The Boy: Oh, good morning. Did you sleep well?

(MC answers yes)

The Boy: Oh, that’s good. Well, we should get ready, for today’s the day of our adventure.

(The MC, the boy and Joaan get their things and head outside, ready for their adventure.)

The Boy: (excited) Alright! Here we go!

(The MC, the boy, and the white wolf Joaan walk together towards South as they head for the journey up ahead.)





Doing the lords work cuz 1st episode broke me 😭💙


This is the kind of wholesome that just doesn't exist anymore!


Thanks, dude.