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We almost have it! Stay sharp! Ngh... try to avoid damage for now, I'll handle this! ...There! It's done. Are you hurt? Let me see. That's a pretty serious burn. We  underestimated that Horror… Let's head to the mistle. Put your arm around my shoulder if you can. ...looks like I'll have to carry you. Sorry.

...Good, your wound is healing quickly now that we're out of the miasma. We can probably head back to base soon. Er… yeah, it was quite a 'lit' time... Hm? You're welcome. I wouldn't let that Horror devour you even if it meant dispersing in your place. I know you'll just revive again, but... I still don't like seeing you in pain. Huh? That's a silly question. Because I… well. Actions speak louder than words. *Kisses*...Understand now…? No, I won't say it again… I already spoke loud and clear… let's just head back...

phew, first time doing a Louis! I think I did an okay job, but for sure the screams need to become better TwT




Oh, my. Please don't do any nsfw of Louis. My nose will bleed if you do.