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The second meeting.

(2nd part of the series to https://www.patreon.com/posts/46109639

[wind chimes]

A few weeks have gone by since your  run-in with the villain. His message, although cool and careless in its deliverance, still struck a nerve deep inside of you:

~Maybe you've considered your place..~

~All you have to do... is obey me..~

Just repeating his words in your mind sends a chill up the back of your neck.. You try to clear it from your thoughts, and steer your mind back towards your stroll.

Its another cool, brisk afternoon. The garden you regularly visited in the summer is now blanketed with layers of soft, fluffy snow. It is the most satisfying when left untouched.

The area itself, as simple as it is to the common folk, is secluded, allowing for much needed time alone. You picked this location specifically because this is the only time the park is completely empty.

It also allowed you to truly appreciate the scenery.

Despite these pleasant concepts,  you still couldn't shake your thoughts of the encounter.

What would he do if he ever found you again? He melted right in front of you; is even alive? If he is, then what could he want that would make him crave your quirk so badly?

Was it something deeper than just recruiting a henchman? And, most importantly, how much does he actually know about your quirk?

The barrage of questions flowing through your mind causes you feel faint, so you decide to sit and rest your eyes.

[Approaching footsteps]

Dabi: Well well, fancy meeting you here, Novice, and all alone again.

This moment of serenity is interrupted by a familiar voice, but not in your head this time.

Dabi: What brings you to such a quaint, quiet place such as this? Perhaps gathering your thoughts? Enjoying the safe, serene sanctuary? Or maybe you just don't have any friends.

[Chuckles]  You look as if you've seen a ghost, or even... a monster? I assure you, neither is the case.

The closer he gets the faster your heart pounds. Eventually, he is right in front of you, forcing your eyes to trail up his slender frame to meet his piercing blue hues.

Dabi: There's that expression again. It's the same one that connected us months ago.. Yes, months. I'll never forget the first time I got my hands on you..

Ahh, so you do remember. I was worried the memories might have burned way, along with everything else in that town..

Out of all of those heroes, you piqued my interest the most, which is why I intend to take you rather than give you a choice. It's just a pity that it had to come to this.. At least we can thank your quirk for this revelation..

I've been quite the gentleman to you up until this point.. But now, it's time you learn what being a villain truly means.

[Chuckles] Interesting. You tense when I grab your neck, but you don't fight back like you did before.. It's as if you enjoy me choking you -- Look at me..

[Kiss] There, that's a good little hero..

Confusion and fear consumes your mind, now deeply entranced by the villain. Your attraction only grows from his dominance.

Dabi: You're able to manipulate and bind someone's mind to your own through physical contact, stimulating the senses.. It could be a hug, a slap, a bump, or even..a kiss...

That's a very dangerous quirk if left in the wrong hands... But, what intrigues me the most is how long it's lasted. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you, which makes me wonder what it takes to break your hold on me.

Perhaps if I.. break you..? Every quirk has its drawback, but I  don't expect you to tell me what it is..

Is this your way of leading me into custody? [Chortles] We certainly can't have that..but how to break free..

Maybe... like this..?

[Rubbing and kissing]

*ooh* I'm off to a good start...

Your thighs are quivering.. Do you like when this "monster" controls you.? [In their ear] You feel so good against my hand..

[Kisses]  that's it, melt for me, obey me.. [Moan] I feel your body begging for it..

It yearns for release..

But not yet..

Good, roll your hips for me more..

Lie back just like that...

Isn't it so much easier to submit to me..?

Now, to break this bond..

The villain pulls a blindfold and mask from his pocket with a grin, putting them on you.

You'll be coming to my... Special quarters..

Why like this? I wouldn't want anyone being too suspicious of my little playtoy. And frankly, I don't care for anyone looking at you..

Your eyes -- Your everything, for right now, are for me, and me only..

But I assure you, you will cherish every moment...




We get a part TWO!! This was wonderful, the binaural audio always gives me chills. Yes, yes, more more!! 🖤


Love this so much would love a pt 3 if your up too it! ♡