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Written and Commissioned by: https://leon-is-a-hoe-for-muzan.tumblr.com/

Please enjoy a soft moment with the person who will protect you forever and ever, for you are his.

Why are you still awake? I thought I told you to go to bed? ”

“ You do know how much I despise it when you disobey my order and yet here you are.”

“ Are you trying to provoke me ? ”

“ If I didn't know any better, I would have thought that you are doing it on purpose to be punished. ”

“ Never mind. Do not apologize.”

“ Now, tell me, my naughty little kitten. Why are you still awake? ”

“ Oh. You had a nightmare? ”

“ Humans are weak. It never fails to amuse me that your little useless mortal brain could come up with things to scare yourself. ”

“ I must admit, I find it to be pathetically adorable. ”

“ Hmm? I should stop making fun of you? ”

“ No, my dear. I am not mocking you. I am just stating the obvious fact. ”

“ Anyway, let’s talk about your scary dream. Tell me more about it.”

“ Oh, I was in your dream? Interesting. ”

“ Please, continue . ”

“ Hm? You don’t want to continue? ”

“ I would not like it, you say? Why would you think that?”

“ As you can see, I am very interested to hear more. Am I not?”

“ So, stop beating around the bush and continue. ”

“ Go on. I am listening.”

“ Oh ”

“So, you are telling me that the nightmare was me dying and leaving you all alone.”

“ What a stupid dream.”

“ Do you think I, the ultimate being so close to perfection, would be conquered so easily? ”

“ Since you seem to be forgetting something, let me remind you.”

“ I, Kibutsuji Muzan, am invincible. I am an indomitable creature that no one could defeat. ”

“ No one, I repeat, no one could lay a single finger on me because I am the most powerful being on this earth.”

“ So, stop worrying about such silly things and go back to sleep.”

“ What is it? Why are you tugging on my coat? ”

“ Oh, You want me to stay with you for a little longer? ”

“ Fine. I shall oblige to your wish just this once.”

“ Don’t get used to it though. This shall be a one-time thing. ”

“ Would I spend the rest of the night with you? Yes, of course. I said so, didn’t I? ”

“ So, don’t be afraid. I will be by your side until you fall into a deep slumber again. ”

“ Hopefully, this time, you will have a decent dream with me. ”

“ Good night, my dear little pet.”




Ah yes, my ultimate dream of being gasslit to sleep lol. Good work 👏


Good night Master