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Snowing outside, there's a knock at your door. It's your boyfriend, Akira, and that means it's time for a romantic Christmas party with the two of you! (and Mona >;3c) It's a bit late, but I hope you enjoy a moment as soft and fluffy as snow!

Art: https://twitter.com/bbadtime 

Written by: 401

401's links: https://ko-fi.com/Y8Y56F5S // https://codename401.newgrounds.com/

Script Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1APXKTkEapw0Cb9xsZZCEq1AAXJ3Dlv0rUNXc3Nd18DI/edit?usp=sharing

Script Paste: Akira x Listener

Christmas Special

Akira knocks at the door of the listener’s home. He’s cold, but he’s happy!

Akira: Ah! Merry Christmas! It’s nice to see you too, I brought some of the necessities! Well, mostly presents and the Fried Chicken.

He enters, holding out the gift for the listener.

Akira: Here you go~! I thought to do the best I could and bring you something for Christmas, I mean...of course, I always make sure to give you everything, but this little gift is super special, open it up!

Akira turns around to place the rest of the items on the table, letting Mona out the bag as well.

Inside the gift is a makeshift bear, cat features and something very noticeable, with a hug, it let out an adorable squeak!

Akira: Heh, do you like it? I took up a bit of sewing, with some help from Haru. I thought of making something...warm like a bear, cute like a cat and always lets out that cute squeak when I hug it. Just like you!

He hugs the listener.

Akira: See? Little squeak!

Akira looks about the listener’s home, admiring the decor.

Akira: You did such a nice job decorating, it’s so cute! You even...you got a sweater for Mona!

Mona tries to run off upon hearing about the sweater but Akira smiles.

Akira: Since he’s being stubborn...you know, we can try and catch him, he’ll have to stop running eventually. Like a game!

Akira starts to run after the cat, trying to get the sweater on him. Akira stumbles over but the listener catches Mona, much to his struggling.

Akira: Ha! Got you! Now come here…

The sweater goes on and of course Morgana is just a bit upset.

Akira: Oh c’mon, you look adorable, and you were complaining about being cold not that long ago! Don’t complain about us warming you up!

He turns to the listener, letting out a soft laugh.

Akira: Why don’t I go get the plates and we can start eating, okay? Then we’ll watch the snow.

Akira leaves for the kitchen, and the listener squeezes the toy again, letting it squeak. After a few moments, Akira starts to plate the food.

Akira: Okay! We have the warm fire, the Christmas Tree is lit up, Mona’s warm and in the bed you got him, and now we have food! All that’s left is to look at the snow while we eat!

The two share some moments of conversation as they eat and the snow falls.

Akira: The others are all celebrating in their own way, Sojiro even took Futaba on a vacation with him, she’s been coming out of her shell a bit more, I’m proud of her.

Akira smiles.

Akira: You’re finished eating? I’ll get to cleaning then, oh don’t worry, I know I’m a guest but...when I’m in here, sometimes I feel like we’re a married couple, you know?

Akira notices something on the door frame.

Akira: Hm? That...that’s Mistletoe isn’t it? Now now, putting it so high above me, I didn’t even notice it-! And you hid it so well! But I spotted it~! Now you know the tradition, two people caught under the mistletoe, and they have to…

Akira starts to kiss the listener, the cute little kisses on the cheek.

Akira: Kiss!! Kiss kiss kiss!!

The listener starts to run off, Akira gives chase.

Akira: Heeeey!! No running away from my kisses!

Akira chases down the listener, hugging them and giving her more of those little kisses.

Akira: Kisses for Christmas, kiss kiss kiss!!

A few kisses and a few laughs before he snuggles up against the listener.

Akira: Hehe, you can’t run from my kisses, besides you love them so much!

This time instead of a playful kiss, he kisses the listener deeply.

Akira: See? Like those, you love those kisses the most right? Hm...maybe it’s better I kiss you more like that, hm? Maybe...I should kiss you—

Mona puts a paw on his head, seems he’s hopped on him.

Akira: Oh...right, not in front of you. Heh, sorry Mona. Maybe now, we should just watch the snow okay? Then we’ll start opening more gifts, okay? Heh...Mona and I made a good decision celebrating Christmas together, didn’t we?



Tania B

I don’t know why he made fried chicken sound sexy.🤣🤣🤣🤣


I almost jumped out of my skin at the door opening sound. I was like “WHO BROKE INTO MY HOUSE” but it was the audio. 🧍🏾‍♀️