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Script By YgyRodri:

Hanako grants your wish?

The listener walks to the girls bathroom –

They go to the last door and slowly knock 2 times –

“Hanako, Hanako, are you there?” they ask –

No responses –

“I knew… it’s just a silly story..” they say walking away –


They stop and look behind their shoulder; nothing –

“It is just my imagination” they look back to the front and then: -


Hanako appears in front of them, scaring them –

Hanako laughs –

“HAHAHA! Oh sorry, did I scared you?” 

“Let me introduce myself properly: I am the seventh of the Seven Wonders of the School, ‘Hanako-san of the Bathroom’“ 

Hanako smirks –

“Nice to meet ya!”

The listener is not scared anymore but they keep silent –

Hanako is floating around the listener –

“So, may I ask your name?”

They tell their name in a shy voice –

“What a cute name…”

Hanako stops in front of them –

They ask “weren’t you supposed to be a girl?” –


Hanako laughs softly-

“That’s why you looked confused when you saw me”

“You thought I was a girl because of the rumors”

“Well, as you can clearly see, I am a boy. The short hair and the red dress they tell you in the stories… let’s say it’s not really my style”

Hanako smirks –

“So, human, what is your wish?”

“You must remember that if the wish is big, the price you will need to pay is as big as the wish. So, what do you wish for?”

The listener tells their wish: “Hanako, I want to be one of the wonders of the school”. –

Hanako is clearly confused –

“Huh? What would you wish that? Becoming one of the wonders?”

“Any particular reason why you want to become a wonder of the school?”

The listener says that it should be cool being a wonder and that since they don’t really have much friends, they would feel better this way –

“It should be cool being a wonder and you don’t have much friends huh? You think you would feel better this way?”

“Unfortunately, I can’t grant this wish”

“Why?” The listener asks –

Hanako sighs-

“Being a wonder is not as cool as you think and I could grant this wish, but to be honest I don’t want to, because I...”

Hanako blushes a bit –

“I just like the way you are, I don’t want you to have those responsibilities that I have”

“I want you like that, always”

They are confused –

“It’s just... I have being watching you for a while...”

“Your smile, your eyes... your perfect body...”

Hanako laughs but stops seeing the listener getting mad –

“Sorry! Sorry!... but really... you are really special to me, I don’t want you change a bit.”

“To be honest, I wish I have met you sooner... I wanted to talk with you... you really seemed like a good person, and your kindness made me... I think... fall in love with you...”

The listener is shocked –

“Oh sorry... It was too sudden, right?”

“Hehehe... but it’s true... I really want to know you better... could you...  grant my wish instead?”

The listener is thinking... –

Hanako is floating around the listener once again nervous –

“Hmmm... You don’t need to respond to my confession right now! We can know each other better and than you can respond to me properly, does that  sounds good to u?”

They like the idea and say that it’s good–

“Really? It’s really okay?!”

“Yay! Hehehe”

“Thank you my dear human.”

The listener and Hanako starts to talk to each other for the past weeks –

Time pasting sound... –

Until, on February 14th, the listener went on the school break at the girls bathroom looking for Hanako –

Hanako is sitting on the corner of the window as usual –

“Oh Human!”

Hanako approaches the listener with a big smile –

“How are you doing today? Is it your break, right?”

The listener wants to ask a favor –

“Oh, a favor? I wonder what could that be?”

Hanako says floating around them –

“After school, can we meet each other on the sakura tree?”, they ask –

“Oh, you mean the Kodama tree? Sure! Wait... did Kodama try to make every couple fall in love again?! We need go there immediately!”

Hanako tries to go out but the listener holds his hand saying it is not that –

“What? It’s not that? Oh... I am relieved”

The listener asks again if it is okay to meet there –

“Oh, sure! We can meet there, no problem!”

The bell rings, break is over –

“Well, break’s over! See you later then!”

They go to their classes –

After school, Hanako goes to the sakura tree –

“Where are... oh they you are! Did you wait long?”

They say no –

“No? So, why do you want to meet me here?”

They say they have a wish –

“Oh a new wish? It’s been a while since you had a wish... so, what is it?”

They ask: “Hanako, I want the boy I like to like me back!” –

“You want that the boy you like to like you back...?”

Hanako is a bit sad but tries not to show it to the listener –

“So, how does he look like?”

They say: “He is like a cat” – 

“A cat? What do you mean?”

They tell what the boy is like –

“He doesn’t show too much of his emotions, he passed through a lot of stuff in the past but he has a strong and pure heart... He is charismatic and caring...”

“You do like him, don’t you?”

“So, can you show him to me?”

They say they are looking at him –

“You are looking at him? But...”

Hanako floats around –

“But there is only the 2 of us here...”

“Are you... talking perhaps... about me?”

They smile –

“Do you mean... you love me... too?”

They say yes –

“Oh... oh my... I don’t know to react really... I am really really happy right now!”

“So, does that mean... this is your answer to that question I did?”

They smile again –

“Yes?! Yes! I am so happy!”

Hanako gives them a little kiss –

“Thank you human... I know that I need to protect the balance between humans and supernaturals, but I will make this one na exception.”

“Would you help protect this balance, for real now?”

They say yes but blushing a bit –

“Yes? Great... but I have to say... You are so cute when your cheeks are red, hehehe”

“Let’s protect this balace! Together!”

“I... love you”

Hanako kisses the listener once again –



School Alarm SFX: 

"Let's Play with Free Sound Effects" https://taira-komori.jpn.org/freesounden.html 




'At the beginning of our story that's also the video?' Way to break the 4th wall kyuu xD
