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This is still a bunch to think of, but I think I have figured out how I would like to move forward with Patreon Tiers and stuff. I love and care for you all deeply, and so I want this to be fair for you, as it would be fair to me! And so, with the thanks of friends from some of your suggestions from the Discord server and the messages that I have gotten, what do you think of this change?

Effective: March 1.

5$ Tier (Unchanged): Access to all SFW audio.

10$ Tier (Changed): Access to the full library before February 2020 + Three 10 Minute NSFW Ramblefap Audios per month.

15$ Tier (New): The same as the 10$ Tier, but there will be Six 10 Minute Audios per month.

30$ Tier (New): Includes all content + Access to game night + 25% Off In the Merch Store + 50 word (you have to write the script) NSFW commission per month.*** With this "All Content" You can expect about 50+ Minutes of super-edited drama CDs per month.

**Ramblefap Audios are improv audios that are around 5-10 minutes long. The editing is much less intensive. Possible SFX.

***This is a 50-word and NSFW upgrade from the 25$ tier.

Every other tier remains the same.

With this, there will be even more content available! I guess the only worry is the quality of the Ramblefaps. These ones are off the top of my head and are not very edited, but I know that it will still be of really good quality. I hope to show this by releasing them in February.

What do you think about this solution? Changes won't be finalized until March, but, I am really curious. Is this fair?



Wait so, now we have to pay $30 to get the full library? I'm not mad, I'm just wondering if I'm reading this right!


Basically! The $30 tier includes everything from $30 and below + with extra content as opposed to the $25 tier.


I really can’t afford $30 for this....


Like I love your stuff and want to support you but....


I feel like this isn’t fair to people who can’t afford to fork out 30 dollars. It’s hard enough for me to afford 10


So for the $10 and $15, are those 3 and 6 NSFW "ramblefap" audios the only NSFW content we'll get? How do you decide which audios are for those tiers and which ones are for $30 and up? Jumping from $10 to $30 seems a little high, and it includes a bunch of stuff i wouldn't use in the first place :(


I see. Thank you for giving me your opinion, and especially for giving me your support! I sincerely do wish that luck turns out wonderfully your way and so you don't have to struggle ^^.


I see. What you're writing has indeed crossed my mind as well. And it is one of the reasons why I haven't finalized the idea yet. Maybe 20 or 25 would be more fair without the extra perks... hmm...


After talking to a bunch of patrons, I think one big consensus is thinking about how "valuable" and high quality the "ramblefap/improv" audios are. I'm confident that if a Highly Edited audio is a 9.9/10, the imrov ones are about an 8.5/10. I'll prove it in February XD


If I can give my recommendation as a fan who deals with financials as a profession, I agree that the price hike is too high, not only that, it’s rather sudden. I know it’s a matter of personal importance to you and your financial situation, but if the tiers are going to change so dramatically, there may need to be more tiers at lower pricing with a tier reward unique to that tier. The issue you may run into is that you’re putting all your effort and best content into the highest tier that not a lot of people can pay for, and so you’ll still be stuck in the same situation you are now. I’d be more than happy to assist you with planning this out!


Hmmm, so do you think that having the best content at 20 or 25 would be better? And I see. I knew February is too sudden, so I went for March.


I’m currently at work so I’ll look this over and let you know in a little bit! Or if you don’t mind discussing this over private message, I’ll be able to focus on this a little more


Looking at that, it makes it seem like $50 is the lowest tier to get your entire archive... Maybe it's because I'm not sure how many audios you'd be posting a month, but it implies you'd be posting at least five a month, and $50 tier gets all five (again, if I'm reading this correctly)


Ah, no, it was 30$ to get the whole thing! But don't worry, I have a new proposed model that makes it 25$ I just need to get a few more opinions and then I'll make a new post.


Honestly, to me the script additions to the higher tiers make it seems more worth the price. Like, an additional custom piece. I like it!