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Hey there everyone, Seikyuu is here! Thank you all truly for all the love and support that you've given me, especially all the kind stuff you've sent my way after I announced my being sick.

So firstly, good news! My sickness is getting better. I'm on 5 different medications now as opposed to 3, and so far, things are getting significantly better. I'm still coughing quite a bit, but things like the ringing in my ears have gone down quite a bit . My voice is still mildly hoarse, but I can at least talk for some time before I need to take a break.

So that being said, we can start doing calls soon! I think starting this Wednesday, we can have our calls and stuff! I might even stream a little bit on Tuesday if I'm continuing to make progress like this XD

The only bad news I guess is that I'm still unable to voice act normally yet, but I'm getting there! But it shouldn't be too too bad, since I'm working on the stuff I've already recorded! Here's hoping the near hour long Ruki one and the surprise Bakugou one makes it out sooner rather than later. (I'm giving myself a deadline of 11/25 for both)

Anyway, I think that's it for now! Be safe and best wishes!




Ahh I think a deadline will cause more stress uwu. Please continue to focus on your health first Kyuu! Rooting for you💕💕🔥


I have heard that when voice actors gets sick/ voice gets hoarse, they just have a teaspoon of honey everyday to soothe it. Idk if you’ve tried this yet seikyuu but maybe it’ll help! Hope you get better soon

Roxy Fox

There are mini kyuuwus who want you to get better first! Gotta be 100% like Siri said no need to worry about us we need you to get better uwu