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"I'm strong now, Kacchan..."

Art: https://kawaiikrisschan.tumblr.com

Script: www.reddit.com/user/scxrdrim19/ // https://twitter.com/viascxrdrim

BGM: Myuu - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PuO7f3NLKo

Deku: "They all thought i was the innocent little deku that would cry from every little thing.. The deku that would stutter whenever I was in front of a girl.. The deku that would stumble everytime you referring to kacchan would shout my name needlessly. Well, they thought wrong giggles.."

Bakugou: "Deku, you're not your fckin self right now. If you don't stop this, I'm gonna fckin kill you."

Deku: "You see kacchan, i've changed. I'm not that weak pathetic child that you can step on anymore. I now have the power of all might surging inside me and not just that. I've also met someone who gave me a new quirk, something very, VERY interesting and because of that quirk, i managed to catch someone who i've very much adored.." machine sounds like a door opening or something

Deku: "Oh my dear Shouto, you look so pretty strapped to that machine.. i invented it myself,-please save the applause kacchan"

Bakugou: "Deku! what the hell did you do to half n' half?!"

Deku: "Nothing much.. Just a few tweaks here and there. You see, i'm still working on how i can add a quirk without him turning into a nomu. He already has two very powerful quirks and I thought to myself, why not add another one or a couple more?"

Bakugou: "Release him right now!" Deku: "Hmm.. alright" machine sounds as if he is releasing shouto

Deku: "But even though he's now free of restraints, he wouldn't leave me. right my dear Shouto?"

Shouto: "Yes Midoriya." he says that in his normal tone but kind of in a daze

Bakugou: "You.. ref to deku What did you do to him?!"

Deku: "Are you even listening Kacchan? I said, a few tweaks here and there. Did you really think I wouldn't have precautions when doing experiments? You underestimate me. Shouto, dear.. Incapacitate Kacchan here for a while"

Shouto: "As you wish, Midoriya" ice sounds Bakugou: "Ha! You idiot deku! Have you forgotten my quirk?!"

Deku: "Oh kacchan, i would never. Why would i ever forget the quirk you boasted everyday about ever since we were kids?! evil laugh -oh sorry i got lost there. that's why.."

Bakugou: "Huh?! Why can't i explode it to pieces?! DEKU! release me right now! And what the hell has gotten into you half n' half bastard?! Is that some kind of brainwashing quirk?! Is Shinsou involved in this? ANSWER ME goddammit!"

Deku: "BINGO! You were always so smart that it's irritating. The brainwashing quirk was spot on but this is more that that laughs and that's cute kacchan. but my Shouto only listens to me. But I will give you the priviledge to talk to my slave Kacchan. Be grateful... Shouto, dear, answer him"

Shouto: still in a dazed manner "Yes, Midoriya. When I was captured I also resisted and tried to fight him off. I was so frustrated because he was too powerful. He started torturing me, experimenting with me and.. in a pained tone and then.. voice crack then he crazed (happy) he made me realise who i really am. I- i was his! It took me a long time to finally know my truth and it was so worth it. He didn't just make me realise my true purpose, he also made my quirks powerful. Now.. my ice can't be broken without my fire. I'm the only one who can free you. But it's up to him. What ever he commands, I obey. But don't worry bakugou. I know you'll also be released from the restraints of this world. Just like me. And then you'll eventually know your true self and submit to him"

Deku: "Very good Shouto! As expected of my little pet. Come here, and kneel beside me. footsteps and sound stuff place your head in my lap. Just like that. Very good" patting shouto on his head and playing with his hair

Bakugou: "I.. You two are crazy!! Deku! If you don't let me go right now, i'll fcking kill you!!"

Deku: "Oh kacchan, you still don't understand. You're mine now and you'l be just like my good little pet here when i'm done with you. For now, why don't you-

Bakugou: "Deku, you-

Deku: "sleep"

Bakugou: whispers and croaks "bastard" sound of body falling on the floor



Please tell me there is more to come for this story?