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Welcome to the highest sensation of bliss. A sensation only obtained when you found yourself reaching far below to dance with the devils.

You wake up to the sound of...what could only be described as labored breathing, when your eyes open, you are face to face...well...face to hand, with the villain, Tomura Shigaraki.

"Tomura: Don’t move an inch...any closer and it could lead to a very, very painful end. I don’t want that. You have no idea how much trouble I had to go through to get you here. Now...stay there."

...But you will find out, that you are not to satisfy one villain, but two. Dabi, is here to take you and Tomura on a new level of lustful bliss.

"Dabi: You’re taking this in so well...you know, if it were up to me, I would have fucked you by now. But letting Tomura have his fun is something that I guess I can do. Just understand whatever hole he doesn’t take is the one I’ll be using."

----Seikyuu's Notes----

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AFTER 200+ HOURS OF WORK ON THIS MONSTER OF A PROJECT, IT'S FINALLY DONE. There have been so many obstacles into getting this audio completed, but I'm happy to say, that it's finally completed! (I just hope that you will enjoy it to your heart's fullest content! I'm proud of this work, and I can almost say for certain that it is the best one I've ever made! (This or the Shadow Akira one)

And to explain the 100 minutes of edited audio. This audio that you have here is 53:34 minutes long, but that's because Tomura and Dabi are talking together for the most part. There was about 55-60 minutes for Tomura and about 45 for Dabi) I hope there's no misunderstandings!

Now it's time for the next project! Seikyuu go! Please keep cheering me on! I have a lot of other stuff to catch up on!

----End of Notes----

Full Script (Written by 401):


401's links: https://ko-fi.com/Y8Y56F5S // https://codename401.newgrounds.com/

Please take care and have a good day! Love you all. Hope I was able to make you proud!


Radical Radical

How is this madness even possible. Amazin >:))))

Roxy Fox

I'm so glad I waited to listen to the whole thing amazing job Kyuu and 401!! I hope you can take a bit of rest now ^~^)/


You've had your calm. Enjoy the storm ouo


I keep listening to this everytime, I love it! You really did an amazing job! 💕💕 keep it up! (Also Tomura being a moaning mess is beautiful!)

Mercedes Ballez

I enjoyed this so much!!!! I hope we get another one of them! >/////<


This is so amazing I love how Dabi's voice switches from ear to ear


My goodness my cheeks have never been this red in my life...


i keep coming back to this,,


Your voice sounds like you could do nagitos voice


I just cannot get enough of tomura PLEASE-


Holy shit that was fucking hot as hell.


Well then. So that's how you feel XD


This was amazing loved it also Dabi seeing a blow job happening and pulling the sharing is caring card is gold


Oh…fuck! 🥰


As someone who has gotten really into MHA the past few months (mid-way through season 3 right now), and admittedly find some of the guys hot...your work has seriously caught my attention. I wouldn't have considered Tomura or Dabi initially hot but this...this really got me. To say I literally *felt* like I was there is an understatement. Your emotion and excitement in the voice work seriously brought me in. Big time kudos to both you and the script writer. I couldn't help but actually blush and nod to a number of the dirty things I heard...just...just...damn... Thank you for this amazing experience <3


Your voice...the things you say with it have caused me to become what I can only describe as "trigger horny". As anything that even remotely reminds me of your recordings has lasting implications. XD


What I want to say is probably a little too inappropriate for a comments section, but uh....I've used this audio to...help myself and it gets me so eager every time. Your acting is amazing and super erotic❤.