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Yo! Hey there everyone, Seikyuu is here, and I have a couple of announcements to make!

1. Patron Calls.

If you are a patron who wants to have a call this month, please schedule it as soon as you can! it's a bit troubling to have them all at the end of the month ^^:;

2. Movie Night.

Movie night is going to be horror-themed! I found some horror movies in full on youtube, so we will be able to watch one! I was able to find a bunch of Stephen King Horror movies like Children of the Corn and The Mist. So they're not too spooky. I'm thinking of having Movie Night either tomorrow (10/11) or on (10/18)!

3. Tier Addition + Changes for November

For November (and hopefully onwards) I will reduce the game night tier's price from $25 to $20. Also! I will make another tier for more phone calls. 30$ for 30~ minutes.

4. Next Tuesday will be the Akira Phone Call Event

This is a public server event, so there will be no extra perks for being a patron, but I just wanted you to know!

5. Poll 1: Would you like Progress Audio?

As you know, it can sometimes take hundreds of hours to fully edit an audio together. Would you guys like the previews? Like scripts, 10% finished audio, 30% finished audio, etc. I'll make a poll!

6. Poll 2: Would you want me to commission art for audio?

Just an idea, but I wonder if the posts would be much nicer if we could get pictures to go along with them. What do you think of this idea? Would you like me to explore this more, or should I just focus on the audios themselves? I'll make a poll later!

Phew. I've typed a bunch. It's time to go back to work XD Please be safe and take care!



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