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Yo! Hey there! Here's the first post for October! Sickyuu is recovering well, and well, here's something I was working on before I got sick XD. The script was written lovingly by Val / Rae! I hope that I did a good job bringing it to life! Since he was the game's protagonist, you can't really marry or having events with him, but...heh now you can! Enjoy! (NSFW part coming as soon as I can edit it aaaA)

Support conversations Rank C to Rank S for Robin and Twin (shy, gender ambiguous) Listener

Support C:

*outside setting, probably between tents, sometime in the evening*

*footsteps approach, books and paper rustling*

R: *concerned* You seem down, what's wrong?

R: Still not used to this place, huh?

R: I agree, the others are quite a cast of characters, but I don't think we have anything to worry about.

R: Oh. *pause to collect thoughts* I will admit, I am a tad unnerved by his willingness to accept us into the Shepherds with having no information on us.

R: That being said, I am grateful that he has been so kind to us.

R: I fear for what may have become of us had Chrom not found us that day.

R: *small laugh* Though the look on Lissa's face was priceless when she realized we were twins.

R: Chrom was just as shocked. I don't think he was prepared to find two unconscious strangers in the field.

R: *thinking, quieter tone* I wonder how we ended up there anyways...

R: Huh? My memories?

R: Unfortunately, I still don't remember anything, but I have hope.

R: Surely there is a reason for our being here.

R: So try not to worry about it, alright?

R: *optimistically* Even if we do not regain our memories, we will make new ones to replace them.

R: Mhm! So cheer up.

R: I have to go discuss some strategies with Chrom before it gets much later.

R: Please stay safe and try to get to know the others better.

R: I'm sure you'll feel more comfortable then.

R: Farewell.

*footsteps leave*

Support B:

*daytime after more meetings about battle tactics*

*footsteps quickly approaching*

R: Hey there!

R: It's been awhile since we had some time to talk.

R: I got out of the meeting earlier so I figured I'd check up on you.

R: How are you doing?

R: Better? That's good to hear.

R: I'm doing fine, thank you for asking.

R: You don't need to worry about how I am.

R: Have you remembered anything since last we spoke?

R: Still nothing? I see. *pauses to think*

R: Its fine. Like I said, our memories aren't important.

R: *concerned* Have you been sleeping?

R: You look exhausted.

R: I can tell when you're lying. We are twins after all. It's like a sixth sense.

R: Why haven't you been sleeping well?

R: Nightmares? What about?

R: You don't remember?

R: *thinking* That's not uncommon, though, keeping our situation in mind, it is concerning.

R: If you can remember anything from your dreams, please let me know.

R: Actually, write it down in this journal. I'm not sure when we'll be able to talk one on one again.

*hands listener a journal*

R: Please try to get some rest, alright? You'll need to be at 100% for the next few battles.

R: I need to sleep too?

R: Do I really look that tired?

R: It's true that I've been up late reviewing and revising my strategies, but I thought I was getting enou- *is interrupted by listener*

R: I need a nap?

R: *laugh* Fine, but so do you. There's some time before dinner, why don't we each try to get some sleep?

R: Sounds like a plan. I'll see you at dinner then.

R: Sleep well!

*footsteps leave*

Support A:

*Robin is in his tent, reading up on some magic*

*listener enters the tent*

R: *humming softly while reading. Pages turn* What do you need?

R: What am I reading? Just some information on healing magic.

R: Lissa was discussing it with Libra, so I figured I'd do some research, but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

R: I'm not sure, but if I can figure it out, maybe there is a way to regain our memories. But again, it's not clear.

R: What's that in your hands?

R: Oh! The journal I gave you. Have you been using it?

R: That's good to hear. Mind if I take a look?

*Robin takes the journal and flips through it's pages*

R: *reading through the pages* Hmm, these things are pretty disturbing. I can understand why you haven't been sleeping well.

R: I mean, the idea of someone trying to sacrifice us to summon a demonic dragon is terrifying. I'm sure it's nothing more than a bad dream.

R: You had something else you wanted to talk about?

R: Oh, uh, sure. What is it?

R: *happy* You've become friends with the rest of the Shepherds? That's wonderful news!

R: I'm so proud of you!

R: I told you that there was nothing to worry about.

R: We'll make plenty of new memories with our friends.

R: Regardless of our past, I look forward to a bright future with everyone.

R: What time is it by the way?

R: *surprised* What!? I was supposed to be in a meeting with Chrom fifteen minutes ago!

*he scrambles to his feet and hands the journal back to the listener*

R: Don't worry about the nightmares. It's probably just stress. I have to go.

R: Take care!

*footsteps quickly leave*

Support S:

*after a battle with some bandits*

*Robin is a bit farther away from the listening*

R: *panting a bit* Phew!

R: That was tougher than I expected.

R: Are you alright?

*there is no reply from the listener*

R: Hey! What's wrong!?

*runs over to listener, who is badly injured*

R: *gasps* Gods!

R: *worried and scared* LISSA! MARIBELLE! Someone help!!

R: *mumbling while trying to stay composed* Dammit! I should've learned a healing spell when I had the chance.

R: Hang in there! You'll be okay. You're gonna be okay. Please…*crying* please be okay.

*more footsteps approach*

*listener passes out*

*a bit later*

*listener is in their tent, recovering, now awake*

R: *sitting with listener* Oh, you're awake?

R: *a bit quiet* Good...good.

R: Thank the Gods that you're alive.

R: *concerned* How are you feeling? Do you need anything?

R: Everyone else is fine. Just a few cuts and bruises.

R: We were all so worried about you. How did you get hurt?

R: *heavy sigh* I see. I didn't expect their thief so be so fast.

R: I'm sorry...I failed to keep you safe.

R: I understand we're in the middle of a war, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm responsible for keeping you out of harm's way!

R: *upset and frustrated* Dammit...You could've died.

R: Don't you understand that?!

R: I can't lose you.

R: What point would there be to regain my memories when you'll be in them!? If you were to die...I'd be haunted by our past, by our memories.

R: You're my twin! You're all I have in this world. Losing you would mean having a part of myself die!

R: Calm down? How can you expect me to calm down?

R: You were dying, and I couldn't do anything to save you.

R: It's not my fault? It is! It's all my-

R: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

R: *slowly calming down* I'll do my best to make sure you stay safe.

R: From now on, please pair up with either me or Chrom during battle, I trust him to protect you as I would.

R: Promise me you'll do that

R: Thank you. That makes me feel a little more at ease.

R: I'm sorry, you should be resting some more.

R: Your body still needs to heal. I'll bring you some food and water for when you wake up okay?

R: If you need anything, call for someone.

R: Alright good. I love you, now please get some rest.

R: Hmm? What's odd?

R: Hearing me say that I love you?

R: *small, kinda half-hearted laugh* Well of course I do. You're my twin, not to mention my best friend.

R: I know I don't say it enough to you, but I care about you a lot.

R: Go to sleep now, I'll be here when you wake up. I promise.

*footsteps leave*


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