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Hey there everyone! Seikyuu here! Thanks to all of your support, I've been thinking about what the next purchase should be for the channel. As in, I've been wondering what kind of upgrade we should get to make things even better! I know I tag my stuff as ASMR even though what I really create are Drama CDs but I've noticed that this kind of microphone is popular among ASMRtists.

Option 1: Dummy Head BE-P1+ Scarlett 2i2

https://binauralenthusiast.com/product/b1-e-dummy-head-with-be-p1-binaural-microphones-xlr-adapter/ ($694)


Super ASMR

Using the Dummy Head, I can buy a wig to put on top of it and simulate a character actually speaking into the listener's ears, brush hair, etc.

Perhaps it would bring in more of an audience? Giving the whole ASMR tingles.

Can use props for more natural and diverse sound effects.


High Price

They say it's quite sensitive. It might pick up background noise, and living next to a highway, that might be bad unless I did a character who lives in a city setting.


Option 2: 3dio XLR + Scarlet 2i2)

https://3diosound.com/products/free-space-xlr-binaural-microphone ($799)

Different from the Dummy Head, the 3dio XLR is a much more popular brand. Most ASMRtists use this microphone for the tingles and stuff.


Basically the dummy head, but, just the ears.

It's uhh more known of a brand?

A bit more easy to store.


Higher Price

They say it's quite sensitive. It might pick up background noise, and living next to a highway, that might be bad unless I did a character who lives in a city setting.

No head shape so no wig + brush brush.


(either one would also need one of these to make the audio connect to my computer)

https://www.amazon.com/Focusrite-Scarlett-Audio-Interface-Tools/dp/B01E6T56EA/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3AAL6WNPNVFW0&keywords=scarlett+2i2&qid=1554742430&s=musical-instruments&sprefix=scarl%2Cmi%2C132&sr=1-3 ($160)


Um, so basically, what I'm asking is for your advice and perspectives. Do you think it's a good idea to spend (ALOT) of money on this? Would it even be an upgrade?


Another thing I've been looking at is a standard microphone upgrade with this:

Basically an upgraded mono microphone. It has lower background noise and improved audio depth and quality. (I'm already using a mono output)

https://www.amazon.com/Shure-SM7B-Dynamic-Microphone-Cardioid/dp/B0002E4Z8M/ref=sr_1_12?crid=3FKBJX3MRQMQ7&keywords=tlm+103&qid=1554742323&s=musical-instruments&sprefix=tlm%2Cmi%2C131&sr=1-12 ($400)

Aaaaa my head is hurting from all the thinking and balancing

Please help me out here, team XD



If you're at a comfortable place financially where you can purchase these and have no anxieties/troubles and you feel it's what you need to help improve the channel then I'd say seriously think about it. If you're anxious enough to ask us, sends the signal that it may not be in your comfort zone to do a purchase like this yet. Your quality of audios right now is superb and I don't believe you NEED these expensive mics at the moment, not having them isn't hindering your recording abilities (I'd assume). Addition: Think about what you want your content to be. If you truly want it to be more "ASMR"-y then it's something to think about further. If you're not quite sure I wouldn't invest in something this deep if you don't have 100% decided that's the direction you want your audios to go in. (The 3D mics, etc)


It is true that I am anxious about spending money...but it's also true that the money that I've earned is money via Patreon. So I think somehow the patrons deserve a say in how I spend the money, I think. T.T idk I just feel bad about spending this money for myself unless i can validate it being useful for the community


You could always get the Shure microphone from Amazon and try it out! If theres not a drastic / noticeable improvement, you can return it so long as you have Prime. I definitely think having a dummy head mic would be great in the long run, but not absolutely necessary if you feel like you're not in a financial situation to spend that much comfortably! edit: If you're set in doing this for a long time, I think eventually the best option would be getting a dummy head mic, so it's mostly just a matter of whether or not you're financially well enough right now to get that sort of equipment, imo


I think you invest on that background noise first, since the higher tier mics are sensitive towards it and it'd be pointless to get a super expensive mic and then be worrying about highway noises on top of it.


Thank you all for the interesting and very caring inputs, friends c: You've made me happy knowing that you all care very much for my wellbeing and happiness. I'll take every you've all said and think about it. I'll also ask the youtube community too to gain some more information but, please know that your responses have made me happy XD