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Pre editing, it's 41 minutes long! (And like 80% NSFW)

Here's the script I used: [SPOILERS]

Sesshoumaru Script. Curing a Fever. Moonlight Lake. Sounds of a lake


Be Still.

It is not yet safe to move.

…..(cloth wraps bandages)

It is not yet safe to speak either.

Listen to me.

You must relax yourself, or else the curse will continue to spread throughout your body.

I need you to relax your hands. I need you to relax your neck...

I need you to relax your eyes, and I need you to relax your tongue.


There… (brush hair while peeling seals and magic sounds)

That’s good.

Continue breathing at this pace.


You are safe now.



You are safe. The lights in the village have gone out, and there is none to look at you but I and the moon.


So do not worry. I will take care of you.



I just require some time to undo that which has been done.

To nullify the spells, to undo the seals, and to erase the grimace of pain upon your face.


…Please bear with it for now…

(brush hair while peeling seals and magic sounds)

...Hm. these seals...

It seems...that you went into the human village, again…

Even though I advised against the dangers.


Were you hungry?

Were you lonely?

Or could it be that something caught your eye at the marketplace?


Either way, they must have detected the smell of demons on you.

Humans do not look it, but some have strong senses….


You must know that you are already an outcast to them.

They will not hold back if they suspect you…


But...to go this far, with this many seals…


They must have detected the traces of me on you.


It is...unfortunate.

……. (sword swing) sheathe.

There. It is finished.

At the very least, the pain should subside for now.

You still will have trouble moving, but you should not worry.

I shall still be by your side until you can walk again.

Your body will recover.


However...I have decided.


Once this treatment is complete, I will take my leave of this place.


It is clear...that as long as we keep meeting like this, on the bank of the bright, moonlit lake…

The more drastic the village monks and elders will try to

“cleanse” your soul…

...It is taking too much of a toll on your body.

Had I chosen to leave after our meeting last night, you…

You would have perished just now, unable to run, unable to speak.


Thus, this will be the very last time we will meet…


I told you not to move your body.

And yet here you are, grabbing onto my hand so suddenly.

You need not to. I will come closer.

…A request?

...You wish to come along with me?

…How foolish. Look at how frail you are. So much as a single mistake could cost you your life. The best way for you to survive...is to return to life as a simple human girl…

...What is this?

...It seems...the light in your eyes...has faded slightly..

Could it be that you are that fond of my company?


...Either way, My answer remains the same.


You have...another request?

...A kiss?



You want to take that request back?

So suddenly?

Why so?

...You believe you aren’t worthy of my affection?


It seems that the only thing more frail than your body...is your heart.


Heh. Did I not say I would take care of you until you could move once more?

For your companionship by the moonlight, I will indulge you.


(chu chu)

(chu chuu chuu)

Your lips taste sweet.



Hmhmhm. Your face has become red.

Are you satisfied?



Once again, your mouth said something your heart begs you not to say.

Hmm. So you do not want me to go any further than this?

Give to me all your courage, and I will fulfill your heart’s desire.



Under this moon, I, Sesshomaru will grant your wishes.




(clothes ruffle)


...There are...even seals on your chest.

...Ones constricting your breath. Ones wrapped too tightly around your stomach…

Someone had to have applied these directly…


I am sorry.

(soft kiss)

(cling magic undone)

…(forceful kiss)

I have changed my mind.

As of now

I vow to slay all of the ones who touched you.

I vow to not allow any danger to come upon you. Human nor yokai.

I vow to protect you. For you now belong to me.

And know...None have the right to stain what belongs to me.

(forceful chu)

Why do I hold you like this now?

It is simple...

I want you.

(forceful chu)

I want to erase all that had ever happened.

And mark you as mine and mine alone.


Your chest...Your heartbeat…

I feel it in my hands.

It is delicate.

But warm...I shall now taste you here.

(lick. lick . lick lick lick.)

Just like your lips...your skin is soft...sweet.

Lick lick lick…

Your voice is leaking out.

How cute.

...Did I say something strange? That was not a call to have you wrap your mouth up in shame.

In fact, I want the opposite.

I want more of that expression.

I want more of that voice.

For that…

My hand will reach here...Between your legs.

…(clothes fall)

There. Now you are just as bare as the full moon.

This...is where you are the most delicate.



Just from this single touch, your entire body tightened.


(touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch)

My fingers...are almost drowning in this sensation.


Could it be?

Are you filled...mn...with feelings of lust?

You must be.

To have such a perverted reaction to my fingers…

To have these eyes that beg for more.


Then, here too, shall you feel my tongue.

(clothes rustle)

Closer. I will have you lay with me.

Give your body to me.

Hm? Feeling embarrassed.

You should not.

As my mate, you shall hold your head high.

The jewels of your eyes, (kiss)

and the silk of your hair… (kiss)

The softness of your skin, (kiss)

and the echoes of your voice.

Are my treasures.

(kiss kiss)

Now, down once more to your legs.

From your thighs. (kiss) (kiss) (kiss)

Nearing closer and closer…

To this precious space.

(kiss kiss)


(lick...lick lick lick….)

All over. All over.





Moan my name. As if a prayer to the winds.

(kiss) (lick) (kiss) (lick)

--------------------------============---------------- Preview

(lick lick lick lick)

Hm. Are you worried? (lick) That a yokai such as myself shall feast upon you like this?


(lick lick lick mn…)

The scent of a bitch in heat is spilling out of you.

Your body is as truthful as you are beautiful.

Hm. I shall be more forceful.

(slow continuous lick and kiss)

(to violent controlling ones)

lick lick lick lick


My fingers…


Slide in so easily now…

These two, Mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn

have gotten drenched by your lust.

mn mn mn mn mn mn mn


You are allowed to cum only if you scream my name.

Kiss Kiss

(finger finger finger finger)

Scream. Scream. Scream. Scream!


(Rapid rapid rapid rapid)


Groan kiss groan.


Your reactions are intense. I like that.


It makes me fall prey...to lust as well.

Even though your body is recovering, you did exceptionally well.


It is my turn to indulge in you.

(clothes rustle)



I will give your mouth one more chance to be honest.

Do you want to give yourself to me?

Have everything I have bury deep inside you?



Good girl.





Ah...you wrap around me so tightly…


Do not be afraid.

I will not allow my embrace to be broken.






Your face…


Your neck…


Your lips…

Have become more beautiful from telling the truth.

(faster fucking)

So do not hold anything back.

Scream my name.

Scream it to the moon.

You are safe to let…

Everything be bare for me.

(fuck) (fuck) (fuck)

(fuck) (fuck) (fuck fuck fuck)

Slow fuck slow fuck

Fuck fuck fuck


Fuck fuck fuck

For a human to do this with a yokai.


The scent of me will never be washed away.

(fuck fuck fuck)

Any monk will realize by my traces…

That you

(fuck fuck)

Belong only to me.

(fuck fuck fuck)

So never leave my side.

Even for a moment.

I want you.

To stay by my side.




Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fick

Hm. I will pick you up.


Now. As I press you against this tree…

Wrap your arms around my neck.


This passionate embrace…

Whisper: remember it forever.







Scream my name (growl) ...Scream for your life!

(fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck)

Ahh Haa Ahha HAa scream

(good girl)

(good girl)

Rapid fuck fuck fuck fuck

Are you surprised? At how much of a bitch has become of you?

Do not worry.

The beast in me lusts after the bitch in you.


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck


I am close…


Scream for me one last truth.

Where do you want me to cum?




(fuck fuck fuck fuck)

Good girl…


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Scream! Scream! Scream Scream!

And be...

Be completely filled!

Fuck fuck fuck cum







Good girl…

Everything about you…

Is now mine…




Follow me.

When you are able to move, we shall go.

Far away to the edge of the forest.

To where even the moon cannot go.

Follow me…

Follow me forever.



It is dripping out of you…

No matter.

I will fill you again soon.

For now…

Rest in my arms….





Blushing at max level.... It's really good!


Ahhhhhh I'm so excited ;^; ♡♡♡

Tania B



Give me give me


Wow now I’m just even more excited for this!!!


41 minutes!? Oh man this is really worth the price thank you!


All of things sesshomaru, wow thank you <3

Krisandra Setzer

When. Is. This. Happening!!!! I want lord sesshomaru

Rin bartlett

Can you do more please