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Be positive and have a good day!

Whenever you feel bad, please give this a listen.

Hopefully it'll brighten up your day a little bit too!

-=Positivity Alarm 2=-
Hey there, Hey there!
Seikyuu here with another Positivity alarm for you!
It’s getting pretty cold lately.
I hope wherever you are, you’re feeling safe and warm.
Those two things are something I hope everybody in the world is able to feel.
These good feelings are feelings that you deserve, no matter what life might be telling you.
You deserve happiness.
I know it!
So say it with me.
I deserve happiness!
I deserve happiness!
I deserve happiness!
And you know why you deserve happiness?
It’s because somehow, someway, you give happiness to others,
You make the world a happier place by being alive and doing what you do!
You certainly brighten up my day!
Whether you realize it or not, it is and has always been true.
You deserve happiness
And it’ll come your way.
So next time you ever feel down,
If work is killing you,
Or if someone is being mean to you,
Or if you ever just have some bad luck,
Knowing that you deserve happiness,
Is gonna make you feel that positivity deep inside even if you have to endure the battles of life
Be happy with yourself and who you are
And you’ll smile even when things are tough.
I believe in you!
Aha, I wish I was better at cheering for you.
Anyway be safe and take care!
I’ll talk to you soon!
Bye Bye for now! Thanks for listening!
Seikyuu Out!


Eve Hallows

I needed this more then you know. Thanks so much for posting this.


This was totally needed. I'm so glad you made another one