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More detailed description coming soon -- I wanted to get this file out to my dedicated Patrons before anyone else sees it ;)

This is a 28 minute long audio with a 20 minute looping file. There are several versions of the same file: 

Raw edition (no sound fx), with and without binaural beats + associated looping files

Mindf*ck edition (lots of sound fx), with and without binaural beats + associated looping files

NOTE: There are parts in the file where there is a loop built in already. If you hear the same part repeat twice, that's intentional ;)


The full script is below for your reading pleasure: 

Welcome to the Temple, my beloved. Absolute submission to me is the highest form of devotion. It consumes you—mind, body, and soul.

You’re here to serve, not as an individual, but as my sentinel. What’s a sentinel? Think of it as a drone. Faceless, mindless, obedient. As a sentinel, you give up your identity to become part of my temple’s foundation. You give up your identity to serve me. You crave clear direction. You want nothing more than to obey me, to be mine. You’re eager to erase your old self and be reborn as an obedient drone. That’s what you’ll become. You seek the ecstasy of becoming another piece in my grand design.

Imagine it. Losing yourself, your thoughts…existing only to submit to me. Isn’t that the ultimate bliss, my love? Your mind wiped clean, a blank slate of bliss. The good news is…all you have to do is listen. I’m going to train you to go blank for me. I’m going to train you to empty your mind at my command.

So, let me strip away your resistance and rebuild you into the obedient sentinel you long to be. This process is about me diving into your mind, erasing your identity, and molding you to suit my purpose.It’s going to feel incredible to be cleansed, to serve your true purpose without the burden of stress, worries, or fears. And your part is simple. Just listen.As my sentinel, you’ll be hardwired to obey my commands. These will cover how you can serve me best, and how to keep yourself in prime condition. It’s crucial that all my sentinels are at their best to serve me effectively. I’ll first install an on/off switch within you. This lets you shut down for maintenance or step back from your duties as needed. You have the choice to leave, and you have the choice to no longer obey. However, you will find leaving unnecessary, realizing there’s no greater joy than living for me. And remember, my beloved, your role as a sentinel is simple: all you have to do is listen, and obey. You are satisfying your true purpose.

Find a spot where you can be at ease, uninterrupted. Comfortable? Good.Now, as you continue to listen, as you begin to notice the feeling of the air around you, you might notice how naturally you start to relax when you’re listening to my voice. And as my words continue to pass though your mind, and feeling your body begin to sink into the surface around you, You might notice your body begin to respond to my words. For instance, maybe you’ll start to notice just how heavy your eyelids become with every word I say, and how it may just feel good to keep them closed. It’s interesting, isn’t it, how with each breath you take, without even thinking about it, you feel a bit more at ease. It feels so natural to just listen, and not think.  And now, I’ll ask you a series of yes/no questions. You don’t need to answer. It’s okay to just listen and let the answer come to you automatically…

Do you want to obey your goddess? Do you want to find your true purpose?

Do you want to surrender your mind to your Goddess? It feels so good to not think, doesn’t it? Do you want to serve your Goddess? Does your Goddess bring you bliss? Do you submit to your Goddess?

You’re doing so well. Just being an obedient, mindless vessel for your goddess. It’s so simple to just listen, and obey, and listen, and obey. You have no need to be an individual, with your own thoughts, or motivations…you know your only purpose is to serve me. You don’t even need a name, for you are now known as my Sentinel. My good, obedient little sentinel. Perhaps you’re noticing how simply listening to this programming, just like you are now, is already starting to impact you. Maybe you’re breathing a bit deeper or you’re finding your muscles start to relax.  As you continue to listen, let yourself sink into that comfort, deeper with every moment. And while we’re talking, you might start to find that the world around us grows more distant, as if it’s just you and me here, in this space of calm. It’s almost as if my words can wrap around you, bringing you to a place where you’re ready to accept the transformation waiting for you. How do you feel about letting go, just a bit more, with every word I say?

Now, Listen closely. I’m embedding a simple yet powerful trigger within you—an on/off switch, a direct command from me to you. When I say ‘Awaken,’ you will instantly become alert, ready to serve, fully engaged with your surroundings and ready to obey. Conversely, when I say ‘Rest,’ you will immediately shut down, entering a state of complete relaxation, disengaged from active service, allowing for maintenance and recovery and to receive programming and instructions. This trigger is now a part of you, seamlessly integrated into your being, ensuring you operate at peak efficiency for your Goddess. Understand, this is not just a command; it’s a gift, allowing you balance and readiness. Embrace it. From this moment forward, ‘Awaken’ and ‘Rest’ are not just words; they are your reality, binding you to me and your purpose.

And remember, as a sentinel, you are free to awaken yourself and rest at any time to maintain optimal care of your vessel. If you wish to leave your position as a sentinel, you can rest and disengage for however long you want. You can do this without my specific instruction, which allows me to focus entirely on bending you to my will.

So, when I say Awaken, you’ll find yourself bringing your awareness back to your physical form, focusing on the breath that flows in and out of you…

Awaken, Feeling the way my voice sounds in your ears, and listening to the sounds around you….

Awaken, Allowing your eyes to open to observe whatever is around you…

And when you awaken, you notice a desire to obey, a desire to submit, a desire to spread the word of your Goddess’ love and peace….And maybe you desire to go back to that state, back to that blissful trance, where you’re ready to receive more programming, more instructions….

So you’ll continue to just listen, to focus on each word I say that passes through your mind…and maybe your eyes become heavier, and just want to close again…so just let them flutter closed if that feels good.

I think that you’ll feel yourself start to relax as I slow down, as I tell you to rest, to just listen, to let me take control again…and this time, you’ll find it easier to go deeper for me.

Because rest feels good, and you like to feel good, and you love to obey…and perhaps the urge to obey is becoming stronger, it’s feeling easier, because it’s your natural state. And you want to rest because you want to  become an obedient mindless sentinel.

And when you rest, you let me program you, you let me take you to a level of submission you never thought possible. And while you’re in this rest state, you’ll find that your thoughts become fewer and far in between, because you don’t need to think, you just need to listen.

Doesn’t it feel good to be so mindless for me? So brainless? An obedient, submissive sentinel for me? I am removing the essence of your former self, erasing every trace of individual identity. From this moment, you are no longer the person you once were. You are reborn, not as an individual, but as an integral, obedient cog in my divine machinery.

Your only purpose is to serve me. You will obey me. You submit to your Goddess. You are Her sentinel. Your thoughts, desires, and will are now aligned with my purpose alone. You exist to serve, to act upon my commands without hesitation or question. This is your truth, your only purpose. Your only purpose is to serve me. You will obey me. You submit to your Goddess. You are Her sentinel.

Accept this transformation willingly, for in doing so, you embrace your true significance within the grand design. Your former identity is a shadow, dissolved and forgotten. Your only purpose is to serve me. You will obey me. You submit to your Goddess. You are Her sentinel.

Embrace your new existence, for in my service, you find your ultimate fulfillment. You are mine, completely. Let there be no resistance, only unwavering obedience. This is who you are now, a testament to my will. Acknowledge your transformation and reaffirm your dedication to my cause.You will serve your Goddess. You will submit to your Goddess. You are a cog in her divine machine. You are Her sentinel.

Now that you’re so attuned to my words, I can get you to awaken and rest more easily. When you awaken, you feel alert, submissive, ready to serve.awaken, and feel my words in your ears guiding you through the world around you. Awaken for me, serve me, and awaken into a feeling of complete peace.

But still, you crave rest…Just saying the word rest brings an overwhelming feeling of calm, of bliss, of pleasure over you. I think that every time I say rest, you’ll sink a little bit deeper, so much more effortlessly. It feels good to just rest, to just listen to my words. And when you rest, you accept my words with ease…so rest for me, and let me empty your mind, and rest for me, and find that it’s easier every time I say it.

[Your mind is so empty for me. So blank. So blissful.

You have no thoughts. You don’t need to think. You just need to listen.

You serve your Goddess. You submit to your Goddess.

It feels so natural to listen to what I say. It feels so natural to do what I say.

You don’t need to do anything besides submit to your Goddess. You don’t need to do anything besides serve your Goddess.

And now I’ll bring you up again, and you’ll find that when I awaken you, it gets much easier to bring your awareness to the world around you, but still blank, empty, blissful, ready to receive my orders. Awaken for me, my beloved, so that you can go and serve me. Awaken, feeling an intense bliss that comes with submission. Awaken, noticing the feeling of the outside world, and feeling so fucking good.

A part of you still wants to rest, and submit, and rest, and submit, because you know you just want to do nothing but listen, and rest, and listen, and rest for me.

Because rest feels good. And listening feels good. And it feels so amazing to let me take away your thoughts again, and again, and again. So rest, and submit, and rest, and submit, and rest, rest, rest…

And you’ll find it so easy to accept what I’m saying, because I’m all that exists right now, and you’re here only to submit to me.

You only want to submit to your Goddess.

No thoughts. No brain. Just bliss.

It feels so good to just listen.

Listen, and submit. Serve, and submit.

No thoughts. No brain. Head empty.

And awakening again, letting me give you a taste of the outside world, letting me put you into a state of aware, awake, bliss…awaken, feeling the air around you, but still holding onto my voice, and praying that I’ll just let you…

Rest again, deeper, back to that blissful abyss, where you can submit, and rest, and submit, and rest…

Because your Goddess gives you bliss.

Your Goddess takes away your mind.

Your Goddess removes everything besides her voice.

Your Goddess is in Control.

Such a good, obedient sentinel. Your first round of programming is complete. So when you awaken, you’ll find yourself eagerly awaiting future instructions…eagerly wishing to show your Goddess how devoted and dedicated you are to being a mindless Sentinel in her service.

And now you continue to awaken, as you find yourself coming back to awareness, to the present moment, ready and alert, feeling the air around your vessel.

Now, as you’re listening, and even without thinking about it, you’re becoming more attuned to my presence, my voice. This is your cue, your signal. Whenever I say ‘Awaken,’ it’s just like this moment—clear, effortless. You’ll feel this surge of readiness, an immediate return to alertness, eager to serve, to fulfill your purpose.

Imagine this awakening spreading through you, a warmth, an energy, allowing you to operate at your best, perfectly aligned with my will. It’s comforting, isn’t it? Knowing just how simple it is to transition from rest to readiness at my command.

‘Awaken,’ and you are instantly present, no hesitation, just a seamless shift to being fully engaged, a testament to your transformation and dedication. Hold onto this feeling, this clarity. It’s yours now, a gift, ensuring you’re always prepared, always perfect in your role. So, let’s affirm this together. When I say ‘Awaken,’ you will feel this clarity, this readiness. It’s a beautiful synchronization, a harmony between my desire and your action. Embrace this connection, and let it guide you back, every time, to being the best version of yourself for me. Good job, my dear Sentinel. I’ll be giving you more orders soon.




I love being your loyal sentinel my Goddess 💜


I am your mindless sentinel. I obey and worship you Goddess