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Welcome to the Temple of Nadya Nyx. Today marks the third day of your Bootcamp series. Today’s programming will involve you listening to mantras on repeat that serve to make you even more desperate to serve me. Sentinels exist to serve me. Their true purpose is to obey my every whim.


Desperate for Goddess [Sentinel Bootcamp 103]: Subliminal Programming

Welcome to the Temple of Nadya Nyx. Today marks the third day of your Bootcamp series. Today’s programming will involve you listening to mantras on repeat that serve to make you even more desperate to serve me. Sentinels exist to serve me. Their true purpose is to obey my every whim. -- This content is for entertainment purposes only. While my content explores mind-control and related topics, you are 1) the only one able to release yourself to me and 2) you are free to withdraw consent at any time and “regain control”. I take this very seriously, and my job is to make you feel safe and comfortable throughout the session. Please be aware that my content is not for everyone, and should be approached with caution. If you feel that you are struggling to engage with my content in a healthy manner, I encourage you to seek compassionate and professional help before purchasing my content. If you wish to “deprogram” yourself at any time, I have made a deprogramming session available at no cost: There are many reasons why you may want to deprogram yourself from my suggestions, to free yourself from my influence. This session is designed to help you achieve that. So go ahead and make yourself comfortable. Find a spot where you won’t be disturbed during this session. I want you to keep your eyes open and take a deep breath in. As you exhale, close your eyes. Just like that. Breathe in, open your eyes…and out, close your eyes. And again….breathe in and open…out and close… Continue to do this at your own pace… Maybe you find that your eyelids are getting heavier…and heavier…and it just feels really good to keep them closed. If that’s the case, just close your eyes and continue to breathe in and out. And as you continue to breathe, I want you to focus on how the air feels as it enters and leaves your body. Maybe you can visualize this happening in your mind, or maybe you can focus on the sensations of the air on other parts of your body, or maybe you can focus on the sound it makes as you inhale and exhale. Maybe you start to feel heavier, and heavier, and heavier as this happens. Almost like you will sink into the surface beneath you. And if that feels good, let it happen. Continue to breathe regularly, and let the breath flow through your body. Imagine that your breath cleanses your body and mind…allowing you to feel refreshed and rejuvenated. It cleans you until you are a blank slate, ready to start anew. You will be the same person you were before, just without the influence of any triggers that may have been inserted in your mind. Keep breathing, and with each breath imagine each trigger word, both conscious and unconscious triggers, leaving your mind, one letter at a time, one word at a time, one phrase at a time… And maybe you feel lighter with each trigger that leaves your mind…remind yourself of the power of your mind, and how you are in full control of yourself. You are the one choosing to start fresh. You are doing so well. All the triggers that you want to be gone…will leave your mind. they will have no power over your conscious or unconscious experience. Continue to breathe in and out. Focus once again on how the air feels as it flows through you. And if you start to notice any areas of tension, focus your breath into those areas and relax. Unclench your jaw, relax your shoulders… And again, another trigger or suggestion leaves your mind, because you want it to, because you are in complete and total control. And at the same time, you are feeling completely relaxed, completely focused on this powerful cleansing you are performing on yourself…and know that your mind is capable of anything. Remember to breathe, and picture yourself becoming cleansed with each breath. If you are enjoying this feeling, just know that you can come back at any time. You are fully capable of resetting your mind…and you are in full control. for now, I’m going to guide you out of this session and leave you feeling refreshed and reset, but just know that you can revisit this audio at any time to enhance the effects. I’m going to count down from 10. When I reach one, you will emerge feeling free from any triggers or suggestions that have been installed in your mind. 10…taking another deep breath in, focusing on your name or your image of yourself. 9…remembering to exhale fully, reminding yourself that you are in control… 8…telling yourself that you are the master of your own mind, and that you choose what triggers or suggestions enter your subconscious… 7…freeing yourself from anything lingering in your mind that you want to remove… 6…continuing to take deep breaths… 5…focusing on yourself and your mind… 4…enjoying the peace that comes with rejuvenation… 3…feeling a renewed sense of self… 2…allowing yourself to move a bit in your body… 1…open your eyes. Good job. Enjoy your clear, fully reset new self.





I obey and worship Goddess!