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I've been tunnel with this since week ago
yet I pump out like test animation of Yura oppe bounce that was supposed to be follow up with norma sangwich
and then I'm resuming with this yet again

and also, that's Ninh from Death Must Die; after my friend show it to me, I feel like she needs some pressing matter to attend with

me be like this as always




the eternal adhd struggle


Greetings, Nao-san. I've been lurking for a million years by now, but wanted to come out of the hiding to say thank you very much for your continued work! You're one of the very few people who have been doing zuri stuff that diligently and for that long, and you've improved in the process too (though your older pictures are still amazing, f-for research purposes, of course...). All in all, I'm happy that we have the same kind of brain rot, for if you didn't, who knows, I might've died of zuri starvation TvT. From the latest of your works, I think I liked Ogawa Sumireko the most, though I can also see why'd you like Rikudou Yura. Your animations are also nice. Despite that being a difficult task, I am sure you can make 'em nicely, champ! Who knows, maybe one day I'll also get big enough in the paizuri scene that we'd exchange art like you did with Yua this month. That's a nice life goal to add to the list, methinks. Anyway, I don't know if it was cheesy or not, but it was heartfelt. Otsukaresamadeshita and have a good day < 3.


its all good no worries Ty for being around with my dumbo work tho You can blame the sandwich brainrot to my one and only long friend, they started it, and here I am, not saying like in a bad way, but more so I'm always think back and thankful to them; they always busy with their life so I only exchange words once in blue moon with them when they can. Other than that, I mean; my old work is pretty like so-so, there's like jarring comparison where 2015 stuff looks/stay ageless like its currently being done not so long ago with my styling, and there's one that's like off putting per say, but I always strive to just try to do what I always do; and that is just being hard with myself and my brain/oppressed myself with the thought on trying to push things more. Also hey, I will always do sangwich anytime when I want to. And will always be unless I add spice to it like going "NF" instead on the side, which is like rarely happened I would love to do more Sumireko again, I think like when she first appear, I just fall for her and pump her non-stop cause I like her that much, she's basically like my Hanekawa/YunYun-core at this point. I'm still like having a brainrot of wanting to work on the variants of the past Sumireko, but then I ended up dwell myself deep on pumping more of her new piece instead of trying to work on the variants. I love Yura as much too, but I try to balance her for my wholesome work mostly, and hide behind with the sandwich part here (or not and just share it on my main titter account anyway not like she's see it cause I'm the one who tell her to mute my main long while back so that she won't see the bare oppe I keep posting) Animation is just like a recent things I'm trying to get back into since long ago, now that I'm hyper focus on it too much on the refining aspect of it, which leads me to always just having a slow day, but other than that; I just have too much "motion" in my head playing that I want to make, thus alot of rough always put out firsthand, and then if luck on my side and the god blessed me with time, I revisit said animation rough and refine them for good for the final render; if not, its mostly just sit in my own vault and never get to see the light of days unless from my friends's dm at most That week was me trying to go on the list of OCs from like wayback of my time when I always sit on my titter TL and get inspiration from, so I always see like my mutuals OC from there; I have alot in my head for that too, but I think I need to readjust myself again and prepare for it in the future before goin back into them. No need to feel like that, you can always continue with what you doing with your stuff, I see like my mutual artist keep doing pixel sangwich, you can get there if you also strive to make it big; also just enjoy your time with it; or else you ended up with like how my side of things where I'm always just "unbreathing" with my time and life and overall having a mess of life in general; not counting on top of *other factors irl* anyway. But that's to that if you think your simple word is cheesy, I don't think so, the way I say thing if I let my mouth yap or I start opening my mouth when I say things, then you can look back to my old post here and there, you'll understand that my way of saying this is like "raw hard brick throwing into someone face front ahead" type-beat. As in like, the way it goes is, its always unfiltered with how I think/thought what I say, and also why I'm always "tired" of trying to say stuff/talk on titter, but I read them most of the time. I stop opening my mouth since the day I "ded". I keep saying that, but hey no worries all in all, have your day regardless


Oooh, sorry for making this a thread, but I can't not be verbal about Hanekawa. Your Yun-yun is great (shy girls are a drug), but I have a super soft spot for Hanekawa as well, she's just too good. I don't know if it's viable for you from your perspective, but I, personally, would've devoured your renditions of Sumireko in a nanosecond (regardless of whether those are variants or new stuff). Ehh... I don't think Yura would be sad about seeing hentai of her character?.. Afaik, Vtubers are usually pretty fine with fan-content regardless of it's age restriction. Though I don't know this specific situation, so I can't really say anything... except for don't beat yourself up for it. H-doujin stuff is not that bad to tell someone to mute you for it, I think. :c No worries, I am, indeed, striving to make it big and enjoying my time with it. There's an insufficient amount of zuri only games in this world and I will fix it [anime_girl_with_resolve_in_her_eyes_.jpg]! I just thought that this kind of mutual artistry (?) would be fun, BUT - please excuse me if that was perceived as pushy. I am not trying to shill on your page nor get a freebie. Genuinely wanted to share that an artist, AKA me, even though way smaller (I will get there when I'll get there, heh), with boobs-for-brains considers you a blessing. Though idea of requesting a commission from you at some point (for a good occasion, like a bday, or something?..) hasn't left the back of my head for a while. And... try not to worry as much for not being able to, like, pump out as much as you'd want to. The "I gotta push myself harder" and procrastination is a vicious cycle. What I'm trying to say is... I wish you good luck with the IRL endeavours and your sangwich endeavours as well. You're doing great, even if it feels like you could do better. You'll make it. ...and believe it or not, but your booba and sandwich posting is actually on very high levels. You're making a lot of stuff. The you-should-be-proud-for-yourself amount of stuff (that is S-tier quality too!). :> Being straightforward and honest about how you talk and what you feel are virtues. Don't limit yourself if you want to say things. People spouting raw, unfiltered thoughts about what they feel on the subject is something I consider heartwarming. A-ahem. Again, apologies for hijacking the thread. Hopefully I didn't push you too much c; Cheers.


Also no worries on yapping here anyway, I'm more talkative here cause its more confine per say