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Chapter 14 Page 05 - http://bit.ly/1FA7HEk I still haven't taken time to explain Alchemy in depth, but it might still be a while before I do. Most people reading the comic have at least a basic idea of what alchemy does, the same way they understand magic and spells. Because of this I've held off on a big information dump, since it'll be just plain tiresome to read all at once. Instead I like to write little blurbs like this, where Caldwell talks about alchemy and items/materials he's used and how he used them.


Comics - Ch14 05

In the City of Aria, the last great capital of the world, life revolves around mysterious dungeons and the monsters that crawl from them. Adventurers gather from the world over to battle in these dangerous labyrinths, seeking the fame and fortune that comes from exploring them.


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