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Hey guys, just finished up the changes to the Patreon. Long story short, there will be no more monthly request streams and all the Spellcross rewards got condensed into a single tier, and the Patreon is now simply for those who want to give support and receive some goodies from time to time. For the longer story, keep reading.

It was in 2012 that I started taking my art more seriously and tried to turn it into the beginnings of a career in digital art. This Patreon in particular was started back in March of 2014 as an effort to start monetizing my work. I'll be perfectly honest with you all, life was miserable. I latched on to Spellcross with the feverish hope that it would turn into something worthwhile for me, updating three times a week and spending time day in and day out drawing it. This is not to say that Spellcross is meaningless to me, on the contrary. I value it as a creative outlet, but I didn't have the knowledge or the ability to turn it into something I could call my career.  I was working terrible jobs, at times practically killing myself with stress, and had nothing to show for it.

It's only recently that I took important steps to get my life together. I moved out of the apartment in Ohio and went to Los Angeles, I fixed my eating habits, I got a better job that didn't work me to the bone. And then, through hard work and lots of passion, I found the thing that really gives me life: Voice Acting.

Most recently, my efforts have finally started paying off and my free time for things like art and streams has started to condense. It got to a point where I was struggling to find a good time for the monthly streams, and they would sometimes drift into the next month. It's for this reason that I brought the monthly requests to a close, especially since I was no longer depending so strongly upon my Patreon supporters to survive.

If you were here strictly for my monthly draw streams, I understand if you drop your support. I want to thank you for sticking with me through these months, your support was truly invaluable. If you were looking forward to getting art from me every month, don't despair! I'll still have normal commission streams when time allows. If you're a Spellcross fan then rest easy, because I'll still be continuing to update it.

For updates on my life, and to hear the latest announcements regarding my newest roles, events, and so forth, be sure to follow me on Twitter. If there's fun inside info I can give, Patrons will be the first ones to hear about it. Again, thank you so much to all my supporters over these long years. There's a bright future ahead, and it'd be my pleasure if you came along for it.


Daniel Mock

You'll always be an inspiration to me, dood! Keep on keepin' on.


Good luck!