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hello! here is the animation i presented as my semester project for animation class. i think it's pretty cool (though simple) and i hope you guys like it! i will write a bit about the process now. 

the main idea for this animation was "what if voidlings intro animation was synced with the start of face of the deep?" and then i just kind of improvised the rest. i am glad to be able to use my video game obsessions to help me academically.

as mentioned in the wip post, i used mainly the lasso tool (lasso fill tool from the clip studio paint store, specifically) for this animation -it's fun, it's fast, and i tried to embrace the slightly messy nature of it to get over my perfectionism and the need for everything to be clean even though no one will see what i consider unclean. i am happy to report that i kind of succeeded on this, and still cared but not too much. probably because i had like 7 deadlines to meet when making this.

this is also why the animation doesn't have a lot of frames - i decided to keep it simple so i could make the deadline, comfortably.

(an example of lasso tool in action, recorded 1 day before the deadline i think)

i had a lot of fun with it, though it is probably better suited for simpler animation where you can make frames just by tweaking old ones instead of drawing completely new ones, if that makes sense, especially if you use a lot of onion skin.

onion skin doesn't like big blobs of color - i would know since instead of doing lineart for shade lord in that one hollow knight pantheon of hallownest animation i made i just made them a big blob of color immediately and it was SO HARD to see anything LOL. so yeah its good but watch out

here is a comparison between my storyboard and the start of animation - i feel like it really shows the difference that camera movement can make in an animation. i guess that's pretty obvious - but i feel like i've not been using the camera tool as much as i could in my older animations, so i wanted to give it a go here.

i also worked a lot on the first shot - iterating on it a few times until i was happy with how it looked. the 2nd version is okay, i guess, but just a little awkward, yknow? the 3rd one probably doesn't look all that impressive by itself, but when i first made it i was like oh my god this is SO much better. i'm glad i got to animate something like this for this class, though it was probably a little overkill. oh well, more practice for me, more animation for you guys! win win!

i also made these sketches on paper - i would call them concept art, but between you and me, i actually made these several days after i already had the storyboard figured out, i just wanted to doodle voidling and/or have some more 'concept art'  to put in my presentation about my animation, LOL.

that's about it! i'm pretty happy with this animation as it is, though if i were to post it publically i might want to touch up the backgrounds a little bit since i didn't get to do that because of the deadline. but now the deadline passed and i can do whatever i want with this! yay!!

by the way, if anyone is interested, i could share the animation file, though it's a bit of a mess in there and you would most likely need CSP EX to open it.

thanks so much for your support and i hope you like my little animation! i hope to get more into animating during college or when i'm done with it.


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