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this drawing is from 2020, but still one of my most favorite things i've made, and i put a lot of effort into it!

i though i'd lost the photos/process gif from back then, and i have for the most part, but not all of them! even better, i recently found some of the physical pages of this :) !! this drawing is important to me so i'm very happy about this.

the process gif is a bit old (don't mind my finger lol), i'd remake it now but most of the process photos are lost :( 

the color is made with markers, and though i haven't attempted something as ambitious as this in a while, i remember 'lightly' freaking out because i thought the colors were too dark - while coloring with marker, i think the colors appear darker than they are while they're still drying. but since i do all my color blending before the color dries, so i couldn't wait until it dries to see how it looks before continuing.

thankfully, it turned out alright. though i may or may not have used white chalk on top of the markers as a last ditch effort to lighten the colors LOL 

i'm making this post public, so if anyone who's not a patron reads this, hello ! i hope you liked the post :] 

and if anyone who is a patron reads this , hi also! :D 

i <3 pure vessel 



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