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Oh my this one was... lol ummm baby Hitler???

We are now uhhhhhhh proud owners of Deadpool 2 Super Duper Cut lol....

Can't wait for more X-Men <3 (if you count this as so!) 


Deadpool 2 (2018)


Jason Rogue

Woo, these are coming out fast. Thanks you two, hope y'all enjoyed

Alex Gonzalez

You time-sliding son of a bitches. You did it for us?! Guess I’ll stay up a bit longer to watch this lol. Cheers


Helps to be in the right place at the right time...!


Guess I’m staying up gotta spark another for y’all lol Thx!

Aldo Gonzales

Did you notice the heap amount of MCU references in this one? The film rights for X-Men still belonged to 20th Century Fox at the time, but that didn’t stop them from mentioning the MCU among other pop culture here and there. Furthermore, this movie dropped only a few weeks after Infinity War. Of all the people they could’ve casted for the role of Cable, they went with Josh Brolin and he was already portraying Thanos. I wonder how he was able to tackle both characters back then. In the trailer, Deadpool joked “pump the hate brakes, Thanos.” Then here he goes “zip it, Thanos.” By the way, even though we didn’t get Stan Lee to cameo in this movie and Logan 2017 he appeared in a teaser for Deadpool 2 that played right before Logan during its’ theatrical run. Before working on this movie, New Zealand native Julian Dennison got to work with Sam Neill in a movie called Hunt for the Wilderpeople. After this, he would go on to appear in Godzilla vs. Kong.


Omg 😱 I’m disappointed with the non theatrical versions jokes. You guys have to check it out! There’s already two one liners that I think were better/ funnier in the theatrical version.

Ray H

At the time of Deadpool 2’s release, Deadpool 1 was the 2nd highest grossing R-Rated movie at the box office Right under Passion of the Christ. That’s why he said he was close to Jesus. And he said, Fuck Mel Gibson, cuz Passion of the Christ was directed by Mel Gibson. Both jokes were in the theatrical version as well, I believe.


As Tony thought, they were straining the jokepool a bit. Some landed, some didn't. As I mentioned before, Ryan Reynolds did play Green Lantern earlier and it flopped, thus the end credit scene. Thanks for getting back on track, guys. 💛

Michael Boehl

Still fucking love dubstep, you can take it from me when you pry it from my cold dead hands


You guys missed where Juggernaut said I wear the helmet to keep my brother from reading my mind. He was talking about Professor X. They're stepbrothers


And a few fun facts. Cable is actually Cyclops son in the comics. And also X Force usually has Deadpool, Domino and X23, Wolverine's daughter who you guys met in Logan. Nice little bit of trivia there.


In the comics Cable and Domino are lovers. At least some of the time.. Cable is Scott and Jeans son his glowy eye thing is like a combination of their two powers. But because of the techno organic virus he suffers from he can’t use it properly.


The Green Lantern joke was because Ryan Renolds played him and the movie sucked so bad lol but at least he met his gorgeous wife while filming lol


Better jokes, better songs I think 🤔 check it out!


Yea, but I loved the old school 90’s X-Force! Cable, Domino, Shatterstar, and most of the New Mutants. Deadpool was mostly a baddie back then..


Lol before he became this..well whatever this is. Lol

Hailey ✨

Bidets will change your life, guys! 😂 bidets for everyone!


old dubstep like rusko and caspa is good. new dubstep is meh andd kinda ruined the genre :c


I've never watched this cut myself but it seems like the other cut I have seen flows alot better. Fun to watch the extra stuff though.


oh we thought he was just picking fun at mel gibson outta no where lol thanks for that


Definitely check out the theatrical version when you guys have time. Thanks for all your hard work!!!


Oh wow after listening to yall watch this cut I definitely feel like whoever told you to watch the super duper cut did yall dirty. This one isn't right for a first viewing for sure. The theatrical is more cohesive, the music hits better, and they haven't stuffed it with all the jokes. This one I feel like is one you watch for funsies after you've watched it the way they released it. I know it might be asking a bit much but I think yall gotta check out the theatrical cut. It's so much better. 😫

Tayshawn Williams

You guys should have watched the normal version this version is definitely All over the place & kind of takes away the tone and mood for this movie. But as always….LOVED your reactions. Btw Ryan Reynolds did actually play green lantern you guys should check it out whenever. Everyone saids it’s a complete shit movie but it’s not that bad.


This version is not that good..

Jessica Houser

I absolutely love Deadpool! Omg....my husband and my brother both act like this on a daily basis.....just who they are and it's hilarious. Ryan Reynolds has always been one of my favorite actors and dare I say Green Lantern isn't the worst movie I've ever seen? I'd never seen this version but it was just as good! Thanks for the reaction as always!


Ive never seen this cut and definitely prefer the other. A lot extra stuff and jokes that werent landing.

Peter K

Deadpool was always R rated Marvel. If you ever get around to watching the Netflix shows, Daredevil (a first season must watch before getting too far into the post Endgame phases) Jessica Jones, Luke Cage...etc. you will see a much darker style, not funny like Deadpool, but definitely more 'adult' than standard Marvel fare.

Jake Follain

This was using satire to mock political correctness, when people talk about political correctness in movies they're not talking about this movie, this is the farthest thing from that. It's taking the piss out of what some would call "woke", basically. Though I do believe that term is overused massively these days. Seems there's some confusion about that. So to be clear, it's mocking it. Hence the "X-Force" instead of "X-Men" because the latter might be considered "sexist", obviously we all know that's a stupid idea and is not sexist at all. That's why it's funny. It's mocking it with satire.

Jesse Penick

Got it! Fisting is natural and it's so common to you that you don't even blink when you hear it. lol

Kiera Walker

You’ll be good to watch the Deadpool & Wolverine trailer once you polish off at least the first season of Loki 🤫🤐☺️

Kiera Walker

Oh! And the difference between Pyro and Firefist is that Pyro can only manipulate fire, he still needs a source to do it first, whereas Firefist can generate his own fire and even turn himself into flames. Similar to Human Torch and what Iceman does with ice 😉☺️


Ryan Reynolds actually did a Green Lantern movie. It didn't get the best reviews but when I watched it, I didn't know anything about the hero and I thought it was a really cool concept. People complained that it was too much origin story so, by the time they got around to introducing the bad guy, they were already wrapping up. I really enjoyed the origin story though and the power. Anyway, that's what the joke was at the end when Deadpool killed Ryan Reynolds. Preventing the Green Lantern film.


It is sexist though. I think this film was acknowledging it in a cheeky way. Like "yes, technically we know it should be something gender neutral and change the dated, male-centric language but it's the franchise name so we won't but we get it..." I appreciated it. We as a culture recognized the male-centricity in our language and have been changing it for years. Policeman --> Police officer, fireman --> Fire fighter, mailman --> mail carrier, mankind --> humankind...people generally recognize the benefit in the more inclusive language there. I feel like this movie was recognizing that x-force was more inclusive and x-men is a little dated and laughed at itself for it. I felt that way about all the "woke" jokes.

Charissa Kay

I agree with all this, but funnily enough, I thought X-Man stood for the man in human and X-Men was just the plural. I thought it was an interesting take on humans with an "X" mutation. But that probably not what they were going for ...

Kiera Walker

Succinct explanation of Green Lantern, lol 😊. Also, cool piece of trivia…Angela Bassett plays Amanda Waller in Green Lantern and she would obviously go on to play Queen Ramonda in the MCU, and then Viola Davis would go on to play Waller for the DCEU in the Suicide Squad movies ☺️


I dunno, I think it's a reach to call Deadpool 2 "political".

Robert Mendoza

Honestly you guys should watch the original theatrical cut cuz that was just bad. The music and the humor and the pacing is way better in the original

Steve Graham

He was making fun of Mel's character in Lethal Weapon 2 when in placed his head back straight. Can't say more if you didn't see it.

Steve Graham

Yeah, I had to google " What the fuck is dub step" because when this movie came out I never heard of it... I'm with Cable with this... Dub step is for pussies.

Jake Follain

"It is sexist though. I think this film was acknowledging it in a cheeky way." It unquestionably mocking over the top political correctness, if you don't know that you haven't been paying attention to these movies, we know this because it does it several times in the first and second movie, like when Wade was confused whether it's sexist to NOT hit a woman or more sexist to actually hit the woman - this is making fun out of the tendency for people to need to walk on egg shells to appease the easily offended, out of fear of being called sexist, because there's really no winning with these people. Is it more sexist to hit a woman, or more sexist to not hit a woman? Again, it's mocking "woke" with satire. That's what Deadpool does. The term "woke" is definitely overused these days but it's a real issue, no question. People get offended by the most absurd things. No we don't need to change the term "manhole cover", or anything like that. What's next, change Human because it has man in it? Don't be silly. Of course when Wade says that he hopes his kid is definitely one sex or the other, this offended some people who believe in multiple genders. Not all of them, but the sort that are offended by everything. We still call men that are in the police, policemen. That's still totally fine. It's also fine to call a woman in the police force, a police woman. Nobody has ever called a police officer that's a woman a policeman, that's not a thing. Police officer also works and isn't a new thing either, but it does not matter.

Tayshawn Williams

This version doesn’t suck at all😭 but if you’d watched the original version you’ll see what I’m saying😂.


I think the takes are better and the music. And the cut may be more succinct than the extended edition.

Jake Follain

That's very odd, not a fan but it's almost impressive to have never heard of them

Manuel Escobar

Cable is Jean Greys and Cyclops child

Mr. Nobody

No, the movie didnt suck. It was really good. You should check it out.

Mr. Nobody

SO TRUE!!!! Mr and Mrs October, always watch the original version of a movie. Never watch the uncut version before you watch the original version.