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This right here felt like the end of an era for our channel and our lives so yeah guys this a very raw emotional one and I know we put ourselves out there but we can't thank you guys enough for the support of this journey!

We will never forget this experience, we have done many successful and cool things in life but this experience is one of our favorite things we have done!

Thanks again you guys, I hope if you're a marvel fan you stay but if not, thank you for everything. Our lives have changed financially, emotionally, and wow guys we just love you. 








I guess I know what I’ll be doing tonight.

Slow Shadow

Wow thats quicker uploaded then i thought. I dont have time to watch it until later this Evening/night.. guess i dont need sleep anyways 😂 thank you guys


I can’t believe you guys are here already! What a journey!


He’s not my favorite but Thor pulling up in Wakanda is my favorite moment in any movie.

Mark Walston

There goes my work day! Aren't you guys glad you avoided spoilers?


I'm so ready for this!💯

JJ Carlisle

I haven't even watched got yet... you guys are great.


Thank you!!! For such great reactions to the first 3 phases, much love to you both❤️


When Sam says "on your left" comin through that portal. Gets me every time.

Brian - VampyreKing - Cacini

You guys know there's more Marvel movies out there, right? You're talking like your Marvel journey is over. Love you, guys! Can't wait until the next one! 🤘🏻🔥

Amanda Logsdon

Can't believe we are at this movie already! Loved the reaction.


I believe the kid at the very end of the line in tonys funeral is the same boy in iron man 3 that tony spent most of the film with when he had his existential crisis.


I just saw your question about our favourite avenger so here goes: My favourite individual character and their personality goes to tony cuz hes just the total package as a character. In terms of a superhero my favourite goes to black panther, dude is too slick with his suit and cat like movements. Favourite side character is loki (enough said). Favourite solo avengers movie is black panther (civil war doesnt count as a solo movie imo). Favourite moment is infinity war when thor rocks up to wakanda with groot and rocket and best character development other than tony is thor. Thanks and love you


Do we need to download the mp4 files to play each video? I can access the file in Google Drive but it constantly stalls/lags. 😟

JJ Carlisle

My favorite character will always be Dad Bod Thor! I know he wasn't for everybody but I loved him in this. My fav moment in this was Cap using Mjolnir . It still brings a tear to my eye when he picks it up. And since u asked...Saving Private Ryan was this first time I watched yall on yt. Great reaction guys and look forward to more.


There’s a deleted scene right after Tony dies where all of the heroes take a knee. It was beautiful, I wish it wasn’t cut: https://youtu.be/Uhzeakv6Jj0?so=Xt55Wdz07AAtAU7Z

Josh Ashford

Dang, can't download, too many people have done it recently. Guess I'll have to wait until morning


Even though he is dead and technically not an Avenger, Loki is my favorite character. Can't tell you my favorite moment of him yet ;) Tom Hiddleston is just the best actor in the MCU imo

Gaël Twité

Can't even play the video. Says playback is exceeded


You guys will enjoy the series and upcoming movies. Marvel journey is not over. Also, the kid at the end is the kid from Iron man 3.


well thats a bummer i cant watch it i guess ill just wait for this weekend


I just subscribed to the patreon to watch and it won’t play. It says the number of allowed playbacks has been exceeded.


i will talk to mr o today about a new streaming service for uploads! if anyone knows of one that is awesome that they like let us know !


i was at the final fight, paused it for a few min, then had the same problem :/

Amanda Hymans

My favorite Avenger is Dr. Strange.

Jack Ross

Cant seem to watch or download the movie


Having problems watching the moving. It seems like you guys need to find a better solution to posting reactions.

Eric Hoover

Yeah, it’s not going to work. Hopefully, they will post a different link.


Still no luck being able to watch


Mine was working but I had to step out for a bit and didn’t let me finish the last 20min lol

Mark Walston

Scarlet Johannson's Oscar moment came during her scenes with the survivors. She became the de facto leader of the team after the catastrophe, and managed their various missions. Why? Because, unlike everyone else, being a member of the Avengers was her whole life. "I used to have nothing. Then I got this. This job. This family..."


Still doesn’t work after logging into google

John H

Damn, You nailed it. Got emotional with you while watching.


It worked! I got to watch the whole reaction! As a future reactor, I understand what you guys must be going thru. Love you guys


Mrs October: "In my opinion, this was Vin Diesel's best role. And I'm probably going to get stabbed for that." 🤣🤣🤣

Brandon Martinez

Does anybody know why it’s telling me the file is unsupported on Google drive? I’m signed in and I have a good WiFi connection rn

Amanda Hymans

Was able to watch just fine. I loved yalls reaction to this. Yall are right. It feels like the ending of a very good and long book. Once its done it makes you feel a way. Only special movies and shows will do that to you.

Amanda Hymans

Civil War is a Captain America movie. Cap always had other Avengers in his movies to make it feel like that. Still were Cap movies.


Yeah ik but for me anyway that film is literally too many avengers for a cap film. If anyrhing theres more development on iron man than cap


My favorite is Doctor Strange. I love his abilities and without him the calvary does not make it to the fight. My favorite scene was his fight with Thanos on Titan. Second fav was Thor pulling up to Wakanda with Stormbreaker, Rocket, and Groot. Also I came for Game of Thrones, stayed for The MCU.


Heh, I said, "Then she must not have seen 'Pitch Black'."


My favorite Avenger is Captain America, but he was at the tops of my favorite Marvel character since I was a little kid. Mind you, it would fluctuate (when I was a kid) between him, Spider-Man, Vision, Black Panther and Beast, when I'm thinking of Avengers in the comics. There are other groups like X-Men that I have favorites for, but as Avengers go and with the movies, definitely Captain America because of the content of Steve's character and how he tends to assess people individually on their actions and their intentions and when his movie came out, I was SO worried at how he'd be portrayed because he's so old school and earnest that it'd be hard to convey in these modern times, but I smiled when he first said, "I can do this all day." But, what put me over the edge was when Dr. Erskine asked him if he wanted to kill Nazis and he said, "I don't wanna kill anyone. I just don't like bullies. I don't care where they're from," I teared up, pointed at the screen and said, "THAT is Captain America." I love the arcs of both Tony and Steve in these movies in that over the course of them, you can see they each rub off on each other a bit to balance them both out as human beings.

Ryan Merrill

Wow Wow Wow. What an amazing movie, and what an amazing reaction. Loved the emotions present. I am absolutely obssessed with this movie; I have seen this series 4 or 5 times now, and will cry every time. Thanks yall

Josh Lomax

This genuinely is a brilliantly written movie. It wraps up the stories of Iron Man, Black Widow and Captain America so nicely. Tony was always seen as selfish and narcissistic and Cap even said in the first Avengers that Tony isn't the type of guy to sacrifice himself for other people, yet he just sacrificed his life to ensure everybody in the galaxy would survive. Nat made her living as an Assassin amd said multiple times that she has red in her ledger and she'd like to wipe it out. Then she gets the chance by also sacrificing her life to save trillions of beings across the galaxy. And Cap was a soldier, steadfast and unwavering in his dedication to fight the good fight. It's said multiple times that couldnt live without a war. But when given the chance, he stays back in time in order to live the rest of his life in peace, without any battles to worry about and just live with the love of his life. Truly a beautiful ending to a fantastic story