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Ya'll this one was necessary! We also thought it was a good origin story, but it wasn't our favorite! That doesn't mean it was not good it's just in the MCU they are all so good and we wouldn't say it was in our Top 5.

We loved getting to see Phil again and also get to know Nick Fury a little better.

How cool was GOOSE?

Thanks for coming along on the journey with us :) 

We love you!





I can’t express how much I enjoyed this reaction. I especially loved when you compared Captain Marvel to Captain America, but with more personality! The amount of criticism Brie Larson got for having no personality as Captain Marvel in this movie is ridiculous. At first Mr. O did say it seemed like she didn’t have a personality, but then realized she hadn’t really had a chance to express much of one. She was constantly being told to control her emotions and that humor was a distraction. Half of a human being’s personality is humor and emotion. The poor woman is a slightly less abused, space version of Bucky. Mrs. October has a keen eye for detail and it will serve her well in the future… Mr. October’s scientific lens will serve him well in the future… Thank you both for another great rewatch experience…so many more to come in the Endgame…and after?

Ben Felton

Still astounds me this move made over $1B.