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We have mentioned we are moving ya'll! Sorry for the delay!

But let's talk about this... all this was happening while Thanos was on his end of half the world stuff! WHAT?

That twist was NUTS! 

We are so interested to see where the story goes from here, because we genuinely have no idea what they do next.

Sure.. get the green stone and turn back time but isn't that thing destroyed? WOW This is getting so good.

*If the video says still processing it will be ready soon & if it says you exceeded the playback number of times just make sure you are signed into your Google account to view it*

Thanks you guys for your support!





I could be wrong but I think hitting skip credits will jump to the post credit scene and the end credits scene. But omg I can’t wait for y’all to react to the next ones!!!!! Hurry! Lolol jk but no really I can’t wait. I look forward to y’all’s reactions


I think the thing people may have been saying that you missed was in Infinity War, at the very end, instead of "The Avengers will return," it said, "Thanos will return." I'm not sure if that's what it was people were complaining about. I wish people would stop putting expectations on coming things for people who haven't seen them, whether they're good or bad expectations. It seems much of the comments of MCU reactions especially are people not commenting on the video they just watched, but telling people how they can't wait for something coming up or worse, that they can skip something simply because THEY didn't like it. But, many times when people talk something down, the response of the people viewing it after is, "Aw, it wasn't that bad." I believe you guys had that reaction about "The Incredible Hulk," which I really enjoy, but a lot of people were panning it before you watched it. The deleted scenes in that movie should be put in and called a Director's Cut or something because after I watched them, I said, "They shoulda left those in 'cause it explains the characters much better." You still think General Ross is an ass, but you understand his perspective better and how his actions make sense from that perspective and you understand his relationship with Betty a bit better. Plus, there's a little more between Banner and Betty which all adds up to making the movie more thoughtful and a bit more nuanced. Anyway, I will not give opinions about things you haven't seen yet, whether I like them or not so much. I tell you what I think after you've seen it by either filling in blanks you may have missed (that I may have caught on my MULTIPLE viewings of this content) or just giving my perspective on it, in part because I want to see how someone else takes it in and how it's the same or different than mine. If someone dislikes something I like, I feel a bit bad but I'll also tell them what I like about it so as to maybe give them a different perspective.