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You guys told us this one was so so good, and we agree, you guys were not wrong! We learned so much about how Hydra kinda was way more evil than we thought. We thought we lost our boy Nick Fury but thank goodness for the Hulk and his serums! This movie set up a whole bunch of different directions. 

We also learned that Steve Rogers is just a good guy, and a great soldier, but there is not much more to him than that yet. He is trying to figure it out and we are here for it! We get a crazy twist when we see Bucky come back as the villain! Cap's character evolves! We think he is going to adapt more to this century after this one bc the Black Widow tells him to. 

We also get introduced to what seems to be a new ride or die, the Falcon? Maybe it's more than just the Falcon but we didn't see that yet if so.

Overall, where do we go from here? So much more to learn and find out!


^^ There you go guys, thanks for the support and can't wait for Guardians of the Galaxy!

Love you all! Drop us some comments with cool Cap facts!




Bucky is one of the most tragic characters in the MCU, arguably in the top 3,imo. So, of course he is one of my favorite characters 😆 I tend to gravitate toward the broken anti-heroes and villains. If you haven’t already, you may see comments about how RDJ IS TONY STARK, Tom Hiddleston IS LOKI, Chris Evans is Captain America, etc…if Marvel does one thing right, it is casting. Their knack for perfect casting is almost always on point. Sebastian Stan originally auditioned for the role of Captain America. Sarah Finn, the casting director for the MCU, was impressed with Sebastian’s talent, but she felt there was a bit of darkness to him and he would be better suited to play Bucky. Given Bucky’s tragic and dark history in the comics as The Winter Soldier, Myself, and many others, agree that she was 💯 correct. Sebastian Stan is excellent at acting with his body language,facial expressions, and especially his eyes For a character that doesn’t speak much, he is perfect. The scene where he is being brainwashed again so they can reprogram and control him, is absolutely heartbreaking. Sebastian completely sells it with only a few words of dialogue and the most pitiful looks of defeat, because he knows what is about to happen to him, but he is powerless to stop it. A side note about the movie’s score. The Winter Soldier’s theme music that plays whenever we see him, is mostly screams and vocal recordings that the composer, Henry Jackman, did and put through a series of processing in order “to get the sensation of a human trapped inside machinery…”. By doing this he was also able “to get these tortured, time-stretched human cries of someone who has been so processed that it's become mechanized at the same time but you can still hear the human in there.” I love that he did that for The Winter Soldier’s theme. Those drawn out screams perfectly capture the torment and torture that Bucky has been living in for over 70 years. So many layers to work thru as a character. It was funny when you guys were talking about the actor from Lost that was on the council. I never got into watching Lost, but I am a fan of Once Upon a Time, which had the same creators/writers and starred several of the same actors/actresses from Lost, including the council member. Another Once Upon a Time connection is Sebastian Stan himself, who had a recurring role on Once Upon a Time, but was only able to appear in a handful of episodes in the first two seasons because the MCU took off around the same time and being Bucky took priority over his role on the show. And, yet another MCU/Once Upon a Time connection is the character Frandral, from the Thor movies. He is one of Thor’s friends and was played by Josh Dallas in the first Thor movie, but he had to quit because he was cast in a lead role on Once Upon a Time. So, Zachery Levi replaced him and played Fandral in Thor: The Dark World. Sebastian Stan left the show Once Upon a Time to star in the MCU. Josh Dallas left the MCU to Star in Once Upon a Time. It worked out great for both of them. Bucky is a popular character and helped boost Sebastian’s film career. And, Once Upon a Time ran for 7 seasons and Josh Dallas ended up marrying his co-star that played his wife on the show, it was like a real life fairy tale! This movie is certainly a fan favorite, for me it falls somewhere in my top ten for the MCU movies depending on the day and my mood. While I agree that is extremely well done. From the writing, acting, directing, cinematography, score, fight choreography, practical effects…the list goes on and on. It is a very well made movie and was the first of 4 movies that the Russo Brothers would end up directing for the MCU. Also, a special shout out to the writing team of Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, who have written a total of 6 movies for the MCU, including all three Captain America movies. I have just never been that into spy thrillers, so it wasn’t until I became a really big MCU fan that I was able to revisit this movie and better appreciate everything that went into making it and what it does for the overarching narrative of the MCU and many of its characters. I really enjoy how the MCU truly has something for everyone, from otherworldly Shakespearean Space Vikings to grounded on Earth political spy thrillers. They’ve got it all, and for the most part are really good at putting it all together in an entertaining way. To end with a fun Easter egg in the movie, idk if you guys have ever seen Pulp Fiction from 1994? It stars Samuel L. Jackson in one of his most iconic performances. The inscription on Nick Fury’s fake gravestone is actually a reference to Samuel L. Jackson’s character from Pulp Fiction. Just a fun little nod for the fans. I highly suggest watching Pulp Fiction if you guys haven’t seen it, as well as the rest of Tarantino’s films if you enjoy Pulp Fiction. Another fantastic reaction from you guys, I am excited for the next one and very curious to see how you feel about Raccoons & Ducks 🤔😁


i havent seen pulp fiction, lost is awesome! one of my favorites, (MR OCTOBER) and i watched all but the last season of once upon a time and i loved it even though im a MAN haha jk it was such a fun universe! the Bucky recording thing was crazy, Spoiler, Guardians of the Galaxy is one of the best Pieces of content ive ever seen on a tv screen, i loved it, ima watch it with my oldest son tonight!!