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What a slow burner this was!

Enjoyed it! Can't wait for more like it :)


No Country For Old Men (2007)



You did a good job catching the theme of the movie. It's a tough one to most people because it's so deep and not obvious. It's one of those movies you'll watch a few times every couple years and it makes more and more sense and you see the expertise of writing in it. I think a lot of people would be turned off by this movie just because it isn't a straight forward story with how the main character randomly dies off screen and then the abrupt ending. It's not character or plot driven it's heavily thematically driven. It's not about good guys or bad guys winning, it's just a random series of events to drive home a principle.

Jean Choi

This movie is directed by the brothers Ethan and Joel Coen. They wrote and directed Fargo and O Brother Where Art Thou. This is probably the darkest of their serious films. One of their best comedies, however, is Raising Arizona. Go watch that. It’s really funny.

Mystel Jensen

When Woody Harrelson’s character talks about the building missing a floor, I think he’s referring to the 13th floor. Architects, developers and building owners would typically leave out #13 when numbering the floors due to cultural superstitions surrounding number 13.