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So, the last couple of weeks I have been tweeking and changing things here and there on the Patreon to make it affordable & interesting for users while also making it so that I don't overwork myself. I will sadly have to make two more changes though.

The first change is that we will have to reduce the polls to once per month. With bi-weekly polls I still find myself struggling bringing own ideas and spontaneous works on paper because once I am done with one poll drawing I immediately have to prep for the next one.
So from now on the polls will be once per month, feature more characters to choose from and the NSFW polls will stay in the quality as the recent Ryza drawing and the current Shuten Douji drawing.

The second change will be me pushing the monthly comics to bi-monthly comics. So the minicomics will happen once every two months from now on.

I know these are big changes and I understand if people will adjust their tiers.
Thank you all for understanding though.

This is all for me having a healthier working environment and bringing you the best content you deserve.




That works for me!