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Hello Hello everyone,

so here is the deal. I just now sent out the Tier 4 Patreon sketch request DMs to everyone and saw the amount of people who acually subscribed to that tier. I will firstly say, thank you all for the support and subscribing to that tier. It is very much appreciated.

BUT...it is a lot more people than I ever imagined would actually subscribe to that tier. I will be perfectly honest and say that I am a bit overwhelmed. If everyone of that Tier requests their mothly sketch than I don't think I will be able to properly follow up with it. I am already hanging behind as it is to be honest.

So I made a decision. I will remove the Sketch Requests for JULY.
There won't be any requests for that month. This is so that I can then bring it back in August or September with a limited amount of slots. The month of July with no requests and this post serve as a notification to all to change their tiers if they so wish. Tier 4 will still be available if you want to still support me without the sketch.

This also sadly means that not everyone will be able to get a slot for the sketch requests anymore but this is the best solution I have right now to not overkill myself with work and also find time for other projects and hobbies. I hope you all understands.

So, as stated, the sketch requests will be removed as a reward for now. I will do the ones for May and June but for next month and maybe August there won't be any.
Once I decided to bring the sketches back I will let you all know and set a specific Date and Time when the tier becomes available again so everyone has the same chance of getting a spot. The amount of spots will most likely be limited to 12-15 people.

I hope you all can understand and I once again thank you all for the support over the months.



This is awesome to hear, temporary removal so that you can get everything else done. Glad to see you're doing well!


I'm keeping my pledge the same, I originally came to support the awesome art and that hasn't changed, the sketch request were a bonus that happened to come with the tier. Keep on rocking 💪