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Hey folks!  Here's the set of another of the phil+ exclusive pictures I had planned for July, featuring a brand new OC of mine - Joey!

The link to view the set was sent to the inboxes of philanthropist+ supporters in July.  

For new $10 tier supporters who were not pledged when this reward was released, you request access to one previous Philanthropist+ illustration set each month, including this one! All you have to do is send me a DM on patreon specifying which you would like to access :)

With this done, I'm moving right along to working on the next picture!




Is the other guy an OC we’ve already met?

Darth Khannicus

Looking forward to you coloring this one - hitting a lot of the right notes even in line form :) Nice work, Marccus-bb


SO GOOD and his expression is ::chef's kiss:: so perfect! Sorry I missed this one, but even this preview is awesome! Time to check out the Gumroad. ;-)


Joey is absurdly hot, I love this