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Hey folks, I'm writing this brief text post to announce a change to this patreon page.

The tl;dr version of the change is: Due to persistent leaking of my patreon work, starting in July, fully colored NSFW illustrations will become exclusive to the $10 tier.  The $3 and $5 patrons will get access to the NSFW lineart sets of pictures.

I do understand that this news might bother some people, however, when it comes to my motivation to draw, nothing is more deleterious than having my work get leaked, sometimes the same day that I post it.  By far, leaking is what makes it hard to pick up the pen and start working.  I've spoken about this issue to some of my fellow patreon artist friends, and literally all of them have given me this same advice.  When I look at what's being leaked each time this happens, nearly every single time it only includes pictures accessible to the $3 tier, and when I initially made this patreon I had hoped the low barrier of entry would deter leaking, but now it seems that it's doing the opposite.

I've been spending more time on pieces in order to complete them to a high degree of quality, and I'm not a particularly fast artist, so seeing pictures I've spent over 100 hours on (such as the john mactavish set) leaked the day I post them is incredibly crushing and demoralizing.  It's not something I'm able to "shake off" or be okay with "because leaking is inevitable", I care a lot about my work and making sure it's good quality, and having the stuff I spend the *most* time on be the *easiest* to leak is not something I can live with anymore.

This month (June) will continue with the current rewards setup, but next month (July) the changes will be implemented.


Kevin Wada

Do what you got to do! You put so much love into this, make sure it's worth it for you.


That's too bad. The higher cost, even if it's not that much, puts much of your work out of reach for me. Anyway I fully understand your motivations. It's truly a shame things like this happen


I am so angry about people sharing your Patreon-only art!!! And sad about it and its effect on you!!! I'm already at the $10 level, and I'd pay more than that to to see your amazing, beautiful, creative, sexy artwork! FYI if you made a higher tier like Philanthropist+++ or something, and charged MORE but with NO extra rewards, I WOULD UPGRADE. Hmm, time to buy you a ko-fi. . . . ;-) Sending good vibes and appreciation for all you do!!! 🥰

The Horseman

Hopefully the upside to this is more people are willing to Patreon at the ten dollar level. Love both the lined and colored versions.


I have mixed feelings about this. Of course I do not want you to be unhappy, but currently I had the 3$ tier as kind of "passive support" for you, since over 3 years now. It did not really hurt my finances. 10$/month on the other hand is kinda meaningful for the whole year. I have to think about whether to keep going as "second class" follower or not. But likely others will compensate for me so that should be fine. Best of luck 🤞

William Hodges

Right now I am at the middle level, I do pay $10 for others so I might be incline to pay it for yours but that is to see how much work or what is put out for that increase. Just one item a drawing a month is not worth it as good at they come out to be. They will come if you make it worth the hike.


People remain the worst. Hopefully this stops the leaks.


I also enjoy your artwork, but I have to limit what I can support on a monthly basis and I already subscribe to several artists already. I’ll have to drop out after June. I do wish you all the best. I have NEVER shared your work with anyone. You are an amazing artist and I wish you the best.

Mr Monochrome

Yeah unfortunaly can't aford the spending anymore, been struggling for money ever singe the pandemic and I just can't justfy this anymore. You're a great artist though and keep up the good work. Hopefully when I build up some savings again and income is mroe stable I can re-sub.

Biggest Fan

I completely respect your decision, it can't be fun seeing your work that you've poured hours into as a means of supporting yourself instantly swindled by pirates. I'll always be a fan and will return in the future when my financial situation improves. Wishing you the best of luck!