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*Edit for Update (July 2nd):

Hey!  Wanted to inform you all that my roommate and I are moving into the new apartment today!  The internet is not yet set up at the new place, but once it is (hopefully within the next few days), I'll be able to answer the messages I have received here.  Luckily, I don't need internet to resume drawing, so once all my things are unpacked I'll be able to get back to work right away.  

Once again thank you all for your patience and support during this time that's been difficult for me, it really means a lot.  I can't wait to get back to making art for you all to enjoy again! 

Original post below___________:

Hey folks, wanted to write a short update that touches on some things that have been going on

The overview is that my current living situation has been pretty rough, having been on a slow decline since late fall 2021 and getting much worse this year, which has had a detrimental impact on my ability to get work done, as it's kept me in a really bad mental headspace.  

Luckily, I and one other person I currently live with, who was also impacted by our other roommate, have managed to find a new place and will be moving out next month.

Unlike last time, I'm not moving across the country, so I'm hoping the move won't disrupt my ability to work too much.  Due to the aforementioned reasons, I've been behind on work, and would ordinarily be pausing my patreon page to give myself time to catch up, but the fees related to signing the new lease + moving fees have meant that I literally can't afford to pause my page at this time.  So I apologize for not being able to get as much work done as I intended to, but am hopeful that getting out of this situation will allow me to get back on top of things and continue to create work for you all <3  

Thank you for supporting me through this rough patch, it genuinely means a lot. 


Rhys Moon

Glad you're getting out of a nasty situation!

Jeff Berger

Hang in there!

Darth Khannicus

Handle your business Marccus - we'll still be here when you're back 👍🏽


Just go dating and meet a soul-mate to live with ;)


Roommate trouble? I can relate.


The transparency is much appreciated. :D Hope the move go without a hitch... all the best Marccus! &lt;3


Honestly... you left this on payment pause for quite a streak not too long ago. Your work is way over the top all things considered. Don't pause, please. The sooner you get to stability, the sooner you'll get... stability! &lt;3 your work! Sorry you're having to go through what you are right now.


Valid reason


Glad you have a decent solution. Take your time. No worries.

GreyGaymer - Eli

Best of luck dude! No worries on pausing, take your time and get your stuff together


Be safe and take the time you need to get situated. I’m happy to help you achieve that in my small way, good luck moving!

Lord Memnar

See why I tell you all the time to take my money? I support your work for a VERY good reason whether you pause or not is not the reason I opted for the sum I do every month. Its security to you and hot beefy and big dicked hunks for me to lust for. Win win really.


Glad to hear you managed to find another place ! A bad roommate can really impact negatively. We are more than happy to support you even if you draw less I hope you know. Have a cool transfer !


Good luck! I’m always rooting for you.


As I said before take your time and don't stress about it too much.We are your patreon family and we are here to support you and your dream no matter what 😆👍💙


You take care of you first and foremost, mate. We gotchu.

The Horseman

You owe me lunch. LOL


No worries. Hang in there


Take care of yourself first. Everything else will follow


We are here to support you and your astonishing art, no matter nothing else. Everyone has difficult times, maybe this is yours now, so take care of yourself, this is the best cure. Love


Hope the move goes smoothly!

Gabriel Lampert

Glad to hear the news! Live there in good health!

KendallPB (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 20:21:13 Congratulations and I hope the move goes well and this helps your mental headspace! &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3
2022-07-02 18:05:06 Congratulations and I hope the move goes well and this helps your mental headspace! <3 <3 <3

Congratulations and I hope the move goes well and this helps your mental headspace! <3 <3 <3


Hope your new living conditions are treating you well!