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Hey folks!  Below is the poll that will determine what the subject of one next month's illustrations will be, here's the character's I've selected this time around!

(As always, these polls just include characters I personally would like to draw next; you get to help me choose who it'll be!)

This poll will be up until the last day of May, happy voting.

P.S.: you may vote for more than option

*its been pointed out that the dude in image 2 isn't eddie brock, however, they do look similar and eddie brock is the character i will be drawing if #2 wins 😎



Great choices! I'm a big comic book fan (don't read much now, though), so I appreciate this line-up! :-D


I'll be happy with whoever wins, but I'd really like to see you do Hellboy.


Eddie Brook. There's something erotic with them with Venom

The Horseman

Not fair. A blonde stud turning into Venom would have been epic.


We are all here for the hair, Logan should definitely be it. We REALLY LIKED him with Hercules. He definitely has better hair from this list.


More Logan, please! He's my all-time favorite, and I would be overjoyed if you could make one in 20"x60" proportions like for a dakimakura.

Harry Potter

Didn’t get to vote, but I look forward to more sexy batman from you at some point :D