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Hey folks, just writing to let you know that recurring billing is paused for April 1st since I'm still working on some of the pictures I had planned for March, so there will be no charge once the month turns over.

PS - before March 1st 2022, the patreon page had been continuously paused since October 2021, meaning I didn't have an income for four months.  That was a huge financial burden for me, but even while the page was paused I continued to post image sets that I completed.  

A small subset of folks have expressed frustration at how long it takes me to complete pictures, which I understand.  And I think going forward, if your view of this patreon page is purely transactional (paying money to receive art) rather than a patronage (supporting the artist to be able to create more work), you should cancel your pledge.  No hard feelings on my end.

I would rather have less support and have it come from people who genuinely want to support me, than have my current level of support which includes people who measure my value by how quickly I can complete a drawing and only see this page as a transaction.  Seriously, you can cancel your pledge and I will not be upset about it.

I have a gumroad page where image packs get reuploaded after a while, if the art is all you're interested in, you can purchase it there.  


Cabaret Bara

You are 100% correct there! Big power move and much respect for you! My support for you is not only for your art but also for you as an artist that I respect and admire on top of being a truly decent human being. I don't know if you remember, but you gave me very wise advice a while back when I was going through a similar situation (followers threatening to remove their support if I drew what I wanted) and you were right then too. I'm very pleased to see that you walk the walk and not just talk the talk ❤️ my respect and admiration for you has only grown and I'm even prouder to support you.


I always lean on the side of the mental and physical health of the artist. I obviously am here for the art, but I believe the art is best when the artist is happy, fulfilled, and drawing what they find inspiring. If I don't like it, the artist doesn't have to bend to my will, I can find other artists I like, but artists need to do work they believe in and find sustainable. So you do you! I'll still be here when you decide to unpause. Take care!


I've always veered more into support then the art, the latter was like a bonus that went on giving... Do take your time with them if need be, amidst other things in life~ <3


I'm here to support you. Stay sane, bill me even on the slow months. It's what makes me a Patron


Do you have a Ko-fi or Paypal where we can send payment even without the art?


I will agree with what other people have said here and I don't mind paying per month even if no artwork is released in that month.


Keep your chin up and take the time you need. The complaining parties don't understand that artists cannot create art out of thin creative air. You have to be able to do it organically at a time when you feel the passion to do so. Whatever you need to take care of yourself... please do just that. Best wishes!


You’re doing great and I’m happy to support.


You do you buddy 😊👍


Yeah I see Patreon more as "I'm your patron so you can follow your passion; I just get to see the pretty pictures sometimes." Keep charging and do your pace.