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Hey folks! Keeping this message short--

I wasn't able to get as much patreon work done as I'd hoped to this month due to spending about half of August working on game development, so the recurring charge has been paused, meaning there won't be a charge on September 1st.

If you've deleted your pledge already, I think patreon might automatically lock you out on September 1st even though the charge is paused, but for everyone else, you'll be able to view everything I post in September as you normally would, just without the recurring charge on the 1st :) 

Last thing: bonus reward illustration packs will still be distributed to all who are eligible to receive them (patrons with active pledges) on August 31st. 

More art is on its way! Thank you for your patience 



Thanks for the heads up! No worries! <3 <3 <3


Now I'm curious what's the game you've been working on.


I want the game :o. Take your time no worries. And take care of yourself


Take care of RL before Internet life, aye. Do what you must. :3


All the work you put out on here is WORTH THE WAIT! Keep safe and look after yourself, so you can keep creating those stunning pieces!