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Hey folks!  I hope you're all doing well, and keeping as cool as you can be if its summer where you live!

I'm going to keep this message very short: I'm finished moving!  Specifically, my body and my clothes are finished moving.  The rest of my belongings, which includes my work computer, are still being shipped to my new residence, but I have a laptop which will allow me to continue to draw while those things are still in transit.  It's not ideal, but it will ensure my workflow isn't entirely interrupted despite not having my typical setup available to me.

Thank you all for your patience while I've been getting this done, and I'm looking forward to making things for you all to see again :) <3



congrats on the move!!!!!!!!!!! yeehaw babey!!!!


Congrats on the move, Marccus! Hope you settle in great and the new place works well for you.


Congrats on the move! Hope you are keeping safe and doing well ^^


so glad you're getting settled in!


Congratulations for your new home! I'm very excited to know if Hello Eastwood full game will be available soon


Not currently working on eastwood, but my primary game project spirits of the north :)

Neil Ryder

Glad to hear progress is being made Marccus. Once you're settled in and it feels right, seeing what you have planned for us will be very exciting.


Hope it was a smooth process for you… I have move so many times… it can be a pain in the rear.


Welcome back! Glad to hear the move seems to be going well so far. Hope the rest of your stuff makes it to you safely and in unbroken pieces. :)


That's great! What are you plans on the game making?


Congrats and good luck! 🍀


Congrats, and hahaha, well, body &amp; clothes are very important parts. ;-) I hope everything else arrives safe and sound and that YOU are safe and sound! :-D


Congratulations. I hope you'll be very happy in your new home. Be safe, happy and healthy!

Stephen Lindsay

I just moved too! No worries, just take care of yourself and turn your new place into home


Yay Marccus is back. Love you and your work. Congratulations! Hope you love the place.