Pausing patreon for the month of April (Patreon)
Hey folks! Writing today to let you all know that I will be pausing the patreon for the month of April (meaning that when the recurring charges for April would normally be processed on May 1st, there will be no charges processed at all).
During April, I'll first be finishing all the pictures I intended to finish during March, and then I'll be using the rest of my time that month to begin the process of packing, because I will be moving relatively soon-- within the next couple months.
- Exactly like what I did for the late February pictures, all March pictures will be sent via DM to anyone who was pledged during March, so you won't miss out on anything you were supposed to receive, even if you've deleted your support.
My home life situation that I've talked a little bit about in a previous post is continuing to affect my ability to work, which is the main factor causing me to fall behind, so I hope that by pausing during April and putting some work towards getting ready to move, it'll leave me in a healthier headspace to get back to drawing things for you all in May <3
The month I move, I'll be pausing the patreon again, and I'll let you all know when that will be.
I'm pretty close to having a new illustration completed, I'll be posting that hopefully in the next few days, and I believe I'll be able to finish one more picture after that before March is over.
Thank you for your patience, understanding, and support