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Hey folks!  Here is the first of the Philanthropist+ tier exclusive Illustrations! 

*Note: Access for the full set was initially available from September 2020 to November 2020.  For new $10 supporters who were not pledged when this reward was released, you request access to 1 previous Philanthropist+ illustration set each month, all you have to do is send a message specifying which you would like to access :)

Last, please do not share this set!  Doing so will result in the discontinuation of these bonus pictures.  




Love it! Keep them coming ❤️


Looks great! Does he have a name?




He's so beautiful!


Oooft I'm glad I subbed to the $10 membership :D


this looks so good I love him!!

Ann Hupe

Impressive attention to anatomy. My only critique is to better display the triceps, but this is always a very difficult thing for most artists to do. However, this example is still one of the very best I've ever seen, so don't be discouraged. You're on the right track. Just be careful to emphasize natural muscle development rather than gym development. I used to hang out with Amish lumberjacks. Gah!!!! Talk about absolute hunks!! No wonder the womenfolk snatch them up quickly!


Amish lumberjacks? that sounds very.....interesting. Would you have any examples as to how their muscles differ? I'm interested in seeing the difference for myself

Ann Hupe

No NO NO!! It isn't that the arms aren't to my liking because that's relative. I would LOVE to see artists draw more realistic musculature because even fantasy can go overboard. When I look at his arms, all I can think of is that he can't fully flex his elbow because of the super-build-up of the biceps. I know it's my problem, but maybe in your future, you might want to check out the musculature of working guys and Olympic swimmers. Just as an exercise. I, on the other hand, will work with my issues of non-realism. That's my problem, I'll freely admit that. I wish I could draw like you can. Otherwise, really good work. Again, this is my personal problem, but there will come a time when body expectation with guys are going to get bad. And I get those guys in my exam rooms who are having issues with illicit drugs to help pump them up. Maybe that's where this is all coming from. As you can see, it's more my problem.


Incredible detail work on the marble and leaves in the background, not to mention this hunk of beef is looking mighty delicious!!