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Hey folks!  I've spent the past week working on game dev, swapping back over to working on art and I wanted to do another black and white illustration before diving into some of the more intensive pictures I'm working on.  So here's a nice wintry scene of a berserker and his boyfriend to try to chase away the summer heat ;)

[Full set here!]  

Also, I will be taking the next month off from game dev because it's been pretty mentally taxing and I'd like to spend more time on art for a while before jumping back into more game work :) 




Man I wish I was that berserker, great work!


Stunning as always, the men you draw are always so goddamn hot


Are these returning characters or new ones? Love the feel of these image.... that kind of smexy warmth, hehe....


Fantastic! Beautifully rendered!


I'm fully committed to this viking narrative! Also, that tattoo looks familiar 🤔 I simply have no words, your work becames more beautiful every day, thank you for so much!


Absolutely stunning!! Your work never ceases to be so damn hot and beautifully drawn!


The lighting, shadows and backgrounds you are doing lately add so much life to your artwork, even in black-and-white! 🥰 Also, it's winter where I am, so these warm fuzzy feelings are appropriate!


It's going to be at least 932 years before that viking berserker can Google "how to get cum out of a wolf-skin cape" , but I'm sure it was worth it! 😍


Whew, very hot! And I love the shading and the wolf skin and armor! :-D And that tongue. . . .

Curt Clark

This is one of the most beautiful pictures I've seen you do, and that's REALLY saying something. The detail work is astonsihing, and I love that you've started adding backgrounds, even as I know they must be a job of work in addition to the fantastic men you draw for the foreground. Wonderful, wonderful stuff.


OT: Is it "Marccus" (M-as-in-Mary) or "RNarccus" (R-as-in-Robert, N-as-in-Nancy). I've seen you with both handles so I'm not sure which is the preferred one to use.


It's marccus, but the handle is usually rnarccus because marccus is sometimes already taken on websites and the "RN" spelling typically isn't

Ba Tran

I have said this before and others have also said it, but I want you to know that these new paintings with elaborate backgrounds, lighting, and colour are really, really beautiful - the characters are more grounded and the images overall are much more immersive. I am willing to receive less paintings per month if more of them look like this - quality over quantity.


Everything about this is SO GOOD.

Lord Memnar

Exactly. I STILL to this day suspect and will never believe this man is a mere mortal. The way he sculpts such divine work is beyond anything I've seen. Ill even rate him in the same category as the Fathers of the Renaissance. It just that exquisite.


"Hat stays on during sex!"


"Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Ah what am I saying, of course you don't. Cause there's no...PUSSY!"


That is such a great series! 🥵

Jagged Magic

I'll speak for everyone again. We would like to see more of an ongoing series with these characters :D

Alphard Black

Vikings are always a favourite!


Huh. I just noticed that "rn" in lowercase looks like an "m"!