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You'll have to bare with me if the images look odd, I have no clue what scale of resized sprite displays well on patreon, hahaha.  I just thought I would share one of the things I have going on in the background, and to mention that I'm using a new game engine for Eastwood and my other project.   More information has been posted in the discord, but I wanted to tease a little something here as well :) 

I only discuss game information in more detail in the discord, but to preempt one particular question, not all of the game content is done in this pixel sprite style, conversations/cutscenes/NSFW scenes are currently being drawn in the style I use for Eastwood.

As a side note, I also wanted to say again that all future game content is part of the streak reward category of reward, so for the folks who have been sticking around and supporting my work from month to month, I'm working on some cool stuff for ya! <3




this looks amazing already! i love seeing you do cool new stuff ^^


What engine is the game in? Is it RPG Maker?


Heh, I love the walking dude. :-) &lt;3


Guess I'm going to have to up my pledge to see the Discord, this is exciting though also a little worrying.




Ohhh, its nice to see something about Eldet... Still waiting to continue Kunal's adventure.


I love the hair moving as he walks!


Oh it's gonna have sprites done like this? Lovely! Im a huge sucker for this kind of pixel games melded with stuff I like (e.g. MEN )


Nice sprites


Various clothes ! Yay ! So cute !

F. Charlie August

OMG Eldet flashbacks! My heart just leapt in my chest! I'm hope this means you're still working on that absolutely magnificent piece of art!

David Huber

Omg I would LOVE this