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Hey folks, I hope you're doing well!  

I felt it necessary to write an update post on how things are going regarding my personal situation with regard to this patreon, as well as make a brief announcement about Eastwood, which will come at the end.  I feel its good practice to be open about things, but if you're not interested, feel free to skip this post, no hard feelings, especially as it's a little long.

First off, it's always unfortunate to go into a month sick because it not only ends up getting me behind on work,but piles on an equal amount of stress from being behind.  Although I'm back in good health and working again, the stress from being behind is still there, especially given that I hadn't fully caught up from when I got sick in May.  

In addition to that, a major event happened shortly after my birthday that I'm not currently at liberty to give details about (some people who know me in real life are supporters of my patreon, and the details of what happened have not yet been shared openly, and it's not my information to divulge, though it does affect me significantly).  I'm OK, but I may suddenly end up having to move soon from where I've been living the past two years.  I will likely be able to say what exactly happened in the future, but I'm sorry for the dissatisfying lack of info for now.  

Last, on top of that, this week there were several significant leaks of my patreon work, and I've spent many, many hours writing and sending DMCA emails and searching for various website's hosting information in order to get my work removed.  So far, I've had only a little success, I'm still waiting to hear back on the vast majority of my copyright notices, and I hope that will happen soon.  It's a truly awful feeling to have your work leaked.  Its settled over me like a lingering, anxious dread that I can't shake no matter how much time passes.  It's sapped my enthusiasm for working, its sapped my happiness, its taken the joy out of creating the past few days; I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I really, really wish people understood that this is what they're doing to artists when they leak their work.  

Together, the combined stress of being behind on work, the event that happened which might result in me having to move, as well as my work being leaked, has been a terrible burden on me mentally and emotionally; I'm not in a good head space right now.

However, the only thing I can do is continue working, continue trying to catch up, and so that's my intention, which brings me to Eastwood--  Although I was hoping to have a Halloween update released this month, getting sick from late September through mid October pushed my estimated release window to November, and now with whats happened recently, I am simply not in the right head space to work on Eastwood for a little while.  Eastwood is a light, happy, fun game, and requires a lot more effort and exertion on my part to put together, and I can't even imagine being able to get my mind into that place at the moment.  

My current plan is to pause work on Eastwood for two months, resuming work on Eastwood in January 2020.  I know that's disappointing for some to hear, but I believe it's going to be best for me. In the meantime, I will continue working at a catching-up pace (slightly more art per month than normal) for my regular, monthly patreon rewards, as well as the support-streak rewards, and hopefully reduce a lot of the stress I'm feeling.  Plus, if I do need to move, it's easier for me to work on regular patreon rewards than it would be to work on Eastwood, which generally involves 6-7 days of uninterrupted work in order to complete a scene from start to finish.

That concludes the update, but I wanted to take a moment and specially thank the folks who have kept up their support despite the unfortunate circumstance I'm currently in.  That sort of thing demonstrates that you sincerely want to support me, the actual person behind the work.  I understand that some people are only interested in receiving the art, and I don't blame them in the slightest, but it really does mean a lot to me when folks show they understand that at the end of the day, I'm a person, genuinely trying his best, so thank you. 



We love ya man, take as much time as you need and don't stress yourself too much. Hope everything gets better for you soon <3


I hope everything gets going smoothly for you soon. Your Health is important


I hope whatever is going on gets better!! Take whatever time you need for you. Your personal health and well-being comes before everything else.


I also hope things start working in your favor soon. Hang in there!


Take care of yourself first and foremost dude. We don't want you over exerting yourself, especially with the troubles your going through. Really hope everything turns around for your soon but take all the time you need to recover.


It’s fine I hope everything in your personal life ends up well. Take all the time you need ofc the art is nice and all but your health and mental well being comes first take your time and hopefully this leak will stop and this person will get caught I’m sorry for all this happening to you


Take as much time as you need please. Your health, both mental and physical, are more important.


Hoping for all the best outcomes for you, Marccus! Hugs if you like! <3 Thank you for sharing with us and I'm very sorry someone(s) were a'holes and leaked your work! Grrrrrrrr at them. :-( <3 <3 <3 to you, though! :-D

Rhys Moon

Sending good vibes and hoping you'll be feeling better/coping well soon. 💜💜💜


Hey, I know I always keysmash or all caps my approval of your art but I just wanted to say I have SO MUCH respect for you and the way you always let us know what's going on. It's fucked up that people treat you like an art vending machine when you always try to do right by us. I can't imagine what its like to try to keep all 1400+ of us happy, and I just don't want you to be too hard on yourself. It's hard to show that kind of emotional vulnerability, and I commend you for it. I wish only the best for you, I'll never withdraw my support buddy


You're such a sweet person, i'm sorry that all this is happening. Really wish it weren't. Hopefully things will look up soon! 💕 Always here to support the amazing person behind the art.

David Kennedy

Thanks for the updates ❤️ Your physical and mental health is important tho i know this is your livelihood, i hope you get better soon .... and i hope the second situation gets figured out:/ it’s shitty but i hope it’s a smooth transition. Hope the new year brings in a better start for you.


Big love to you! Please take care of yourself! You can't make dope art if you're fucking dead.


I appreciate this post, it’s very gracious of you. I can only pile on and say I hope shit improves for you because you deserve it.


Wishing you all the best and please take care of yourself. PS: I'm almost certain that if I talk really nicely to my boner it will be able to wait just a bit longer for your next art post.


Please take good care of yourself! Health is way more important!


It is way more important to us for you to be safe and healthy rather than pump out a bunch of rushed art. Take whatever time you need to get better. We aren't going anywhere.


Man, you just can't catch a break, can you? :( I know I've said this before, but you go do what you gotta to take care of yourself and life stuff, because I know art simply doesn't happen when neither brain nor heart is in it; it's just work. I can't speak for anyone else, but I certainly am not going anywhere. Your pieces are well worth the wait, and I wish I could afford to give you more. Also, ART THIEVES SUCK AND I HATE THEM. I'm so sorry you're going through this. :(


Thank you for sharing with us Marccus. I know how difficult it is to talk about mental health, but I also know how important it is and how much of a difference it makes when we are in a good headspace. All these goings-on are things out of your control, so it is totally understandable if things are going to be delayed for a while. I'm sure nobody here wants to rush you, so you do whatever you need to do – take your time, relax, de-stress, and hopefully things will work out. Sending you good luck~~ Take care.


Being human sucks sometimes. Just make sure not to burn yourself out trying to catch up, and you'll get better!


I don't think I have much to add that hasn't been said in the comments so far. I wish I could help more myself, but you will continue to receive my support. I know it isn't easy to be an artist on Patreon for many reasons without adding real-life issues on top, so if you need someone to talk to and get things off your chest, I'm sure some of us would be more than willing. Take care of yourself, your art is gorgeous but your wellbeing is also important to us.


It must be awful having your work stolen and exposed like that, I couldn't imagine it. Please take care of yourself.

D'Angelo Reyes

Definitely give yourself mental health breaks. I'm sorry things are a little rough (to say the least). I hope that things clear up with you safely and swiftly, along with a healthy mental recovery. ❤️❤️

Doggo Jacco

The most important thing is and always should be your health!!!!! Really hope you will be alright again soon, I also feel so bad that someone leaks your art, it really must feel awful. It is just as shitty for us cause we pay every month for it, cause we like you your art and we wanna support you. Thank you sir!


I am so sorry to read all the unfortunate events that have been happening in your life as of late. Please know we all wish you well and like many others have said, your health is always the number one priority. Take care of yourself first because without that you will be of no good to yourself. Just stay as positive as you can and know it will all work out and for those that have harmed you, karma will deal with them. Hugs and thank you for all you do for us.


Don't worry man, we all love you and we'll be right here for you! Sorry to get all corny but "It's always darkest before the dawn." Take your time, and THANK YOU FOR YOUR ART!


Your health is very important and a top priority. It's a bit of a rehash from what's already been said in the comments but keep doing what you need, our support for you will not change~


It's not just your work, YOU are important! I think you do a TON for how low your tiers are priced. Your artwork is amazing, and if you need more time, or crank out less content, that is OKAY. Take care of yourself, I think there are a lot of Patrons who will support you, no matter what and want you to be healthy/happy. Also, I'm sorry about the moving situation, moving sucks. I hate the whole packing, cleaning, cleaning at the new location, and unpacking. Then you have to get to know your neighbourhood again, and find out where everything is. The past few years, I've been moving almost every year, it never gets easier. And the leaked art, I'm so sorry that happened to you. I hope everything will go smoothy from here, and you can get them to remove your artwork.


I hope this isn't massively presumptuous, but if a perpetual backlog is stressing you out, maybe it'd be better if you reduced the amount of pieces per month to like 4 pin-ups and 1 B/W sketch (or something along those lines) so you have an easier time catching up. Ultimately, as many people here have already echoed, your mental well-being comes first. Otherwise you might continue cycling through periods of trying to catch up and falling behind due to life, as it is wont to do, getting in the way. Regardless, all the best to you, I hope November treats you better.


Really its almost entirely my work being reposted and the real life event that happened which are accounting for my stress, the backlog is the least of my concern, haha, because that's something I can actually do something about


Do whatever it takes for how long it takes to reduce your stress and maintain your health. I'm sending you healing thoughts and energies. I'll be here when you're fully back in the saddle.


Sorry to hear all that. Your health and well-being are more important than catching up with work, so just take your time until things get better. And I'm sure the wait for Eastwood will be worth it. :)

F. Charlie August

Hey, just wanted to say the same as others - sorry this has happened to you! No one should be reposting ANY of your work without your permission. Do what you need to do to take care of yourself, and I hope you get better!


Hey, I'm a little late but I just want to say that I really love your work and just want to reinforce what the others already have said: Your well being comes first. Also the internet is pretty shitty sometimes, people don't think about the artist at all when they leak their work and this sucks. We will still be here for you, hope you all the best :)

Caleb Schadeck

You artwork is so beautiful it dosent deserve to be in second hand sights! I hope you get it all sorted out I’m so happy I joined


I know that I'm really late in the game, but my heart goes out to you. It has to be devastating to find your work being stolen and put on different web sites. Hang in there as you have and continue the great work that you have been doing.