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Hey folks! I hope you're all doing well

In this post I'm going to mainly sharing progress on the first bit of content for Hello Eastwood (character creation screen preview, revealing a new Bachelor, assets for animating the title screen, more new game music, and 2 NSFW in-game snapchats), but before that, I have a brief announcement regarding this month's patreon rewards.

Getting Hello Eastwood prepped for playing requires a lot of time up front, mainly due to how much coding is required to get the actual game set up (not so much drawing content for it).  I have decided that I want to have the introduction of the game finished and playable for you all by the end of this month, which will include character creation and interaction with the first neighbor NPC Bo (introduced in the last update), but will stop before the first bachelor route begins.  

In order to do that, I have a lot of work I need to get done, and because I have a set amount of time I put aside each month to work on Eldet from which I don't take time away, I wouldn't have enough time to both do all the patreon rewards and get the intro section for hello eastwood finished by the end of this month.  I really, really want you all to be able to play something, so I am going to prioritize the game for this month only, and resume with all the normal patreon rewards next month.  Just to restate that, in June, everything will be back to normal, I'll have finished all the difficult coding challenges related to game development by then, and I'll be able to easily balance the patreon rewards with game dev.  

One last bit of information:  any current supporters will have access to the game's introduction, however, the full content update afterwards with the first Bachelor will only be sent out to folks who have been supporting for 2 or more months, as this game is a thank you to long-term supporters of my work.

Okay!  Now that that's out of the way, here's what I've been working on

First, I put together all the UI assets for the character creation menu screen:

And to clarify the genitals section, this is a cut/uncut toggle.  

Additional things may be added in the "extras" section later such as tattoos, additional piercings, or other things.  I plan to have $5 supporters weigh in on what they'd like to see added in addition to what's already there!

Note: no customization will be available for the NPCs, because I'm putting a lot of effort into the player character customization, and I don't want to go insane working on this, hahaha.

Next, I've worked together a concept for one of the bachelors (also pictured above)

His name is Esteban, and he will be the next Bachelor after the one I've previewed a few times already! 

Next is related to the title screen.  Upon initially launching the game, the screen felt a little flat because it had no moving parts to it, so I decided to go outside my comfort zone and draw a few cars that will go across the screen every now and then!

I've never really drawn cars before, so this was an interesting challenge for me!  Ren'py (the engine I'm using) is rather limited in its animation capabilities, but I think I have a way to make it look pretty decent despite that!

As I mentioned above, I've finished another theme that will be used in the game:


I'm really pleased with how it came out, I think it really fits the vibe I want to have throughout the game.

And last, some NSFW content--

In the last update, I mentioned that NPCs in the game will be able to randomly send you NSFW snapchat-esque photos, and I've been busy making a BUNCH of those.  I expect that by the end of the game's development, there will be around 50 of these, hahaha.  But for today, I'm just sharing a couple:

As I mentioned last week, $5 supporters will be weighing in A LOT on this game's development, including which NPCs get more additional content added.  This can mean more snapchat-esque pictures like the above, or even additional full dates.  I'm super excited!  And also very tired, hahaha, so that's all for now.  Until next time!




David Kennedy

Love how passionate you are about these projects 😭😭❤️ i’m so excited to be able to play it


DUDE I **CANNOT WAIT** everything looks so damn amazing!!


oh boy you're doing amazing!

Flying Sailor

I am sure this new game will be a HIT !!! Estéban is really hot !


Esteban is super hot! 🤤🤤


This is such an amazing work. I'm looking forward to see more of it.

Alejandro Robles

So is this a mobile game?? Lol 😂 sorry I’m stupid

Curt Clark

...this just upped my pledge level. I'm also thrilled to hear you're still working on Eldet, as I loved the demo for that.


Underwear toggle is the greatest. The care look awesome. This is such a great project!


This looks awesome - I can't wait to start to play Hello Eastwood, but I do have one small question. You said that the NPCs won't have any customization available, which is completely understandable. I have to ask, though - will there be any diversity among them on their body hair levels? Both NPCs we've seen sprites of so far and all of the Snapchat photos have been of hairy guys. Hopefully there will be some who are smooth(er) as well!


¡Hola, Esteban! Ven acá. . . . ;-) And thanks for the big update, @Marcus!


oh, i love this


Nope! It's PC/MAC, but your in game character does have a phone they can use


Yep! There will be, I have a lot of content planned for this project so there will be a wide variety of dudes by the end


This looks amazing and I look forward to trying it.


I'm actually happy that you prioritized games. I like interactive experience, especially with such a great art. But in general just make what inspires you most, whatever it is. Don't just follow the flow of what public demands, follow your own way) (yeah, sounds cheesy, I know))


I can't wait 😎😍looks fantastic!


it looks so good!

Antonio Sarcevic

Dude this is so promising! I can't wait to lay my grubby hands on it :p

Da Manki

This is looking to be excellent


Hello 👋 this looks great ! Is this game out or available somewhere ?