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Hey folks!  (**About the update notification, for some reason patreon wouldn't send a notification for this post, so I had to use that feature to get it to send the email, sorry! It's an entirely new post, and not an edit of an old post, just to clarify!)

I've been working on stuff for Hello Eastwood for the past few days-- I was following a spark of inspiration so I put normal patreon things on hold briefly, but I just wanted to say up front, I'm going back to working on the typical patreon rewards starting tomorrow, so some of this month's rewards will end up being finished early next month-- apologies for the delay on those!

It's tricky to balance things right now, just because there's a ton of work that's needed up front to get the game ready, but once I'm done coding all the systems I need and finished the first date, the rest will be more or less just drawing the assets and putting them in the code I've already written, so that'll be a lot easier.  Just wanted to give you all an update on that front! :)

So, first thing I'll be talking about is a part of the game which will take place outside the normal "dates".  

At the start of the game, you learn that you've recently moved into an apartment, and your next-door neighbor Bo comes to give you a warm welcome!


In addition to the dates, I thought it would be neat to have some neighbors that you got to meet, and, uh, sleep with, hahaha.

A big part of what I have planned for this game is patron interactivity and patron input, so regarding the neighbors, I thought it would be cool if patrons got to not only help design some of them, but also vote on which neighbors get to have more content added to the game!  That'll be something that $5 supporters and higher will be able to do.

A second feature I had planned is sort of nsfw snapchat functionality, where you can randomly receive nude snaps from characters you've met, (and potentially be able to send some of your own-- still trying to work out how to do that).

Those will look a bit like this:

 And for the last bit of this update, just a WIP of one of the shots I'm working on for the first date: 


Also! I wrote a new main menu theme for the game, sort of switched up the musical style I'll be using:


That's all on Hello Eastwood for now, again, I'll be going back to working on typical patreon rewards for now starting tomorrow.  Thanks for your support as I try something super different and super new! I'm super excited for this and I think you'll like it a lot :)



David Kennedy

so excited to see more updates to this, love that you’re so passionate about the projects you work on 😭😭

Doggo Jacco

damn I really can't wait for this game, it looks so promising!!!




I love the Snapchat idea!




Can't wait to play this!


Okay the Snapchat-from-characters-in-game thing made me grin, what a novel idea. Thanks for the update, Marcus! :-D Just picture us grinning like the pic at the top of this post.


BTW I mean like bo2.png. That's how we're grinning. BTW #2, nice, er, log that last guy is, uh, carrying. ;-)




This is all so damn cool!

Harry Potter

The snap thing is incredible—and that clip is super hot omg... the whole thing sounds too good to be a thing that will exist in the universe 😭


can't wait to be able to play this! internet is severely lacking in quality gay adult games!

D'Angelo Reyes

Holding wood while sporting wood.... Clever! 😂

Tom Cottontail

I really like the change to the music! Definitely more of a sexy vibe. Awesome work, can’t wait to see more! 8====D