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Hey folks, I just wanted to make a quick thank you post, because you've all made my life so, SO much better by choosing to support my work.

You may have noticed I've posted *A LOT* of content this month

(so far, 5 black and white illustrations, 1 randomizer pinup, 1 full color illustration, and 5 colored bonus images) That's 12 pictures! And the month isn't even over yet!

I mention that specifically to say, your support directly influences how much I'm able to draw for you all each month, and though not every month I'll be able to do as much as I have this month, I just want YOU to know, it's 100% because of your support.

Not only does it allow me to spend all my time on just art instead of relying on outside work for additional income, but it also reduces my financial related emotional stress, which allows me to work more effectively than if I'm worrying every day about how I'll be able to pay my rent.

One final reminder, starting next month I'll begin posting the long time supporter bonus images, which are exclusive illustrations sent out to people who have supported my work for 2 or more months in a row. Even if you're a new supporter, you can still get these illustrations, as I'll be checking on the 2nd of every month to see who's moved from 1 month of support to 2 months and beyond. It's an additional way of saying thanks for being there for me!

So, once again, thank you so much for your support. It truly means the world <3



Supporting you through here is the least I could do. ~_~ Thank you for your art. I hope you keep inspired, bb~


Thank you so very much. You beautiful art enhances even the worst of days.


Art as top-notch as yours deserves to be compensated for appropriately, and I'm so glad to contribute even a small bit towards a more relaxed and inspired life for you. Thanks for sharing your artistic expertise with us and the world &lt;3


I was actually surprised with how much art youve been making, youre doing a great job 💜


I’m glad that I can do a little to help. Your art is beautiful and worth more than my small contribution.


Me alegro mucho de poder aportar mi granito de arena. Espero que todo vaya a mejor! Adelante con tu arte!!!!! 👋👋👋👋


Thank you my friend for making so much beauty to share with us all. Truly can see the love and care you put into all your work...Hugs


I was really disappointed when I noticed the funding period for Elder was over, but excited when I found your Patreon. I've wanted to contribute to your work for a long time, and through this is the way I can do it. Thank you.


Thank you for doing what you’re doing ❤️


you're succeeding bitch!! and im living for it


No that YOU for providing the most amazing gay art that my eyes see each month!


As a very recent patron, I was wondering - not complaining! - at how much you were posting. I've been like, "Wow, this guy!" ;-) Anyway, yay, it's all good reasons! I'm very happy to contribute in my small way to reducing your stress, which makes you happier, which leads to you creating even more amazing art, which makes us happy . . . it's one big happy love-fest, as far as I'm concerned. ;-) You rock!

Rob F

I noticed you've been cranking out great art like a monster, recently. I've been traveling a lot for the holidays, then business, and it seems like every time I sit down at my personal email, there's at least another piece (sometimes 2!) from you. It's been awesome. As always, looking forward to more!


I have ZERO complaints about your more frequent posts, I wonder how you manage to produce art of such quality so fast! They are all flawless and thank you for each of them &lt;3 (That B&amp;W McCree does things to me) (He doesn't, but I wish he would)


I just love the way you draw... 😍 your art is amazing. Very happy to contribute to your inspiration with my small token. 😁

Ba Tran

I totally am not complaining about this sudden increase in output from you Marcus, but I'm a little concerned... just wanted to make sure that you know that it's totally ok to put out less! Don't set the bar too high! I remember the detailed illustrations you did back in YGallery days, with characters in a detailed setting. Pin ups are fine but you have outdone yourself in that genre already, and for me a setting/background gives so much to the story and thus are magnitudes hotter. Have you considered exploring them again? I'm not sure about the other supporters, but for me I would be totally fine with 2, or even just 1, such detailed illustrations a month. And God knows I'm ready to up my tier if you do those illustrations again.


Oh don't worry, january is an unusual month, in general I won't be drawing as much as I am this time. As for backgrounds, I'm sort of worn out from backgrounds because of how many I have to draw for my visual novel, so I usually don't do them for the patreon work, hahaha


Thank you so much for the quality art you're doing and the game you're working on ;)

Mike Bond

Always amazed at the detail and quality, always look forward to the releases each month. Volume doesn't matter to me, each drawing is so well made that even one a month is more than worth the pledge. Your an incredible artist 😊