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Hey there! Hope you are doing well :D

I'm writing today's post to talk about some things I've been thinking about with regard to the content I make for patreon, and how I might want to make some changes to it in the future. At the end of this post, there is a poll related to the topic at hand.

Please only vote in the poll if you read this entire post (I know it's long, I just want you to be fully informed! <3)

Something that's been coming up for me more and more lately are ideas for pictures which don't *quite* fit into the current framework of this patreon. For example, picture ideas for which I could easily make 2-3 variations, but not the 5-6 used for the main illustrations. Or picture ideas with 2 or more characters for which making clothed versions would just look awkward, and would probably also only have a couple variations. Good picture ideas, just not for how I've set things up here.

For a more concrete example, the McCree illustrations I posted yesterday and today COULD be colored, but it would be awkward to try to make all the variations for either of the poses I've used (as would be needed for the main illustration category).

In making the B&W Illustration category, I've alleviated some of the "unusable idea tension" I've been experiencing, but there's still a problem. If I want to go back and color any of those pictures, not all of them would lend themselves well to many variations (which would be used for the main illustration category), but at the same time, they aren't randomizer pinups, which only have 2 versions, and they aren't bonus images either, because they're still new drawn content.

Also, I only have so much time each month to draw patreon content, so a lot of the time I have to stop myself from doing lots of different ideas to focus on the main illustrations, which require more time and effort and planning b/c of the variations. In addition, because I'm often planning how to make many variations for one picture, it limits the amount of creativity I have in the design for it because I can't do anything too wacky without limiting the possible variations.

So, to summarize, the issue I'm experiencing is that I'm beginning to find that some of the patreon categories are too rigid for comfort, and it's hampering my ability to be more spontaneous with the art I create.

What I would like to suggest is a slight change to what I produce each month, or specifically, to become less rigid with the specific things posted each month.

What would stay the same:

>Randomizer pinups. I will still do 3 a month.

>Long-term supporter bonus illustrations still made once every other month starting in February.

>B&W Illustrations will still be made

>$5 supporters will still vote on which character is picked for the main illustration with 5-8 variations.

What would change:

>The main illustration category would be redefined to be at least one illustration per month with 5-8 variations, + some number of other personally chosen colored illustrations with 2-3 variations each.

The goal of these proposed changes is to allow me to be more flexible and spontaneous with the work I produce, plus, if you have been wanting me to draw more hardcore content rather than all pinups, this change would make that MUCH more possible for me to do.

The net effect of this change would be more art posted per month, just less variations.

The poll options are to either keep things as they are now, or to allow this change to take place. Thank you for your time!


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