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Hey folks, this post is one that's uncomfortable for me to make but it's quite important to talk about. I'm aware that someone or some people has/have been uploading my patreon content onto other sites, including 4chan request boards, and especially things from this month.

I try not to talk about my personal situation on here too often because I'd like it to be about the art, but between rent, student loan payments, bills and food/utilities, things are financially difficult for me basically every month; it's something I stress about every single day.

Despite that, I decided to make the support number for access to everything I post just $3 because I know other people have financial troubles too, but still want to support me, and I didn't want to gate my content based on how much money someone can spare, but rather that they're willing to support me at all.

But reposting my patreon content doesn't help me, it doesn't make my life any easier. I sincerely spend a lot of time and effort trying to make things I hope you all will like because it makes my life easier to have your support, but reposting my work makes things harder for me.

It's not the same as pirating content from a corporation that will carry on despite the piracy, I'm just a person, and I very literally don't know how much I'll be able to spend on food for the month until the pledges are done being collected, it's a precarious and frightening place to be.

So, my humble request is that you not upload my patreon content to other sites, and if you see people asking for this content, instead, let them know that it's just $3 for access to every thing, and that these pictures are made as a thank you for supporting me, and helping me to continue to work. Thanks for your time.



I'll always support your art x


That sux I’m sorry it’s happening at all...I hate those guys


Literally was talking to friends about your work today at lunch, and showed them a folders worth I have on my phone. And told them that regretfully, I couldn't send them copies, it's your livelihood. Oddly enough, they understood!


You are already very generous with your current offer, I will never upload your stuff else where.

Rhys Moon

I’m so sorry that’s happening:(


You have my pledge! I have never and will never re-upload.


The same thing happened with the creators of Kemo Colosseum. They used to do preview spoiler art, but people were passing em around, so they stopped doing it entirely.


I’m sorry this happened my dude :(


You need to protect your product. Our small software company, where I worked few years ago, also struggled against piracy, until we developed some good protection. With images it's harder, of course, but still there are ways to do that. Send the patreon-only images by emails, instead of posting them all here. Mark them secretly, so you know which one leaked.


And think about good protection for your game as well, before it's released. I would hate if such a masterpiece become copied and you will not get good profit for all your hard work. Also, price it nicely - don't put too low price, but a good wide range with different feature sets. So, who can buy it for $50 bucks will pay it, who can pay only 20 will do too. The character customization could be such an extra feature.


Btw, your page here doesn't tell anything about the game you're making, and I think it's a big lack. The game is a masterpiece and you should tell people about it everywhere where possible. It will earn you more credits, newcomers will see what you are so busy with most of your time and you'll get more support. Please, add it to your page, share some progress and few pictures as you do on your Tumblr.


It's hard to come up with any thought more elaborate than "people really are shits". :( I'm sorry someone (or more than one) is doing stuff like that. Needless to say, I don't share your pictures with anyone (although husby is allowed to look at my laptop ;) ) and never will.


It bites seeing your art posted in those avenues... considering the price of your tiers and the quality one gets from them. I try doing that "reminding them to support you coz of the price" when I can... but at the end of the day I end up being called a "sheep." Then there's the "Patreon sharer rhetoric"... ugh. I hope you dont get dissuaded doing art coz of this... but I understand if you decide on to. 😖 I'll try my best to continue to help the way I can... and maybe on some other way too. All the best....


I’ll always clamor for your art, Marcus. Thus, I will keep supporting your art.


Im wondering if posting your art in bundles on gumroad might help? and raising the price to view the full nsfw images or even limiting what images people can see once the month ends.


Sorry to hear that keeps happening, you definitely have my word to not repost or cheat you out of much deserved support!