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Hey there! This is a poll regarding a potential change to content that might occur based on the outcome of your voting

For the most part, the art I make for patreon is strictly humans or very-near humanoid art (iron bull, or the orc I just posted, for example), but there are occasions where I feel like drawing things that aren't strictly humanoid -- orcs, trolls, satyrs, minotaurs, werewolves, demons, other anthropomorphic creatures, etc

However, I try to make everything I post here things I think you all would like, because you're the ones supporting me and making it possible for me to make all this art! So I wouldn't want to make a change that would make any of you uncomfortable because I care a lot about producing enjoyable work for you all.

This change would only affect my personal choice illustrations, and only occasionally.

The margin for this poll is going to be incredibly small- if 10% or more vote that they would be uncomfortable with such a change, I won't do it! Easy as that :) Thank you for your support, as well as your feedback!



If there's gonna be muscles and penises, I'm in 👌


Can I request Cullen Rutherford as a werelion? Just sayin...


Draw what you want to draw. No restrictions is best for better art 😏

Ethan Kent

I second Maul’s comment- you draw hot dudes, and variety is the spice of life.


I don't mind satyrs and stuff that have human heads, but once it gets into anthro/furry territory I lose interest. But not everything is for everyone! Draw what you wanna draw.


Satyrs, demons and minotaurs are hot) Maybe you can also add some other monsters or pairings? (Like tentacles)) Just don’t go all furry, ‘cause there is tons of it all around.


I'm really tired of seeing nonhuman male pinups, tbh. Very few artists do human men, much less well, and it's really nice to have a place I can come to where I see only that.

Rob F

I'll echo being fine with things like satyrs as long as any naughty bits are human. (Or invasive tentacle monsters, lol)


I'm a bit torn... but then again if its gonna use up your personal slots, then why not?


I agree with Connor, though tentacles from the void get a free pass.


any mythical creature is good for me. werewolves with knots? sure. aliens? absolutely! random furry stuff is less interesting.


i'm also a bit torn. Like i'm 100% good with mythological creatures and fantasy races and such so long as the bits and pieces are all human-like. It's when we get into the non-human junk like knots and such that i get very uncomfortable.

Ethan Kent

I feel like a lot of people who are commenting/voting are mistaking ‘non-human’ art for ‘furry’ art, which is a shame. Your art style is one of my absolute favourites and it’d be a shame not to see other work you enjoy producing.


Demons yassssss


Would definitely love to see more elves and demons.


Monster boyfriends yassss.

Liam O’hUlachain

I just joined, so I missed this poll, but I would enjoy any art that you draw. Human, demi-human (elves, dwarves, and other fantasy races), humanoid (orc, bugbear, alien), cyber/steam punk, extra-planar (demons, angels, elementals), as long as you are the artist, I am sure that it will be great!

Alexander Scott Bullitt

I have to admit that I'm not usually a fan of non-human art, but I'll wait and see what you develop here. But please, don't abandon the human forms entirely!


Oh, don't worry! It would only be one picture a month like that, the rest would be strictly human :)