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Hey folks!

I just went back and looked through all the past rewards I've posted so far and noticed that the posts for the randomizer pinups almost 100% of the time get more +likes than the posts for my personal choice drawings (Which is totally fine! I don't take any offense to that)

But it did make me think; if those posts are what you guys +like more than the others, should I change it so I just do 1 personal choice picture and 4 randomizer pinups a month?

Rather than just make that change on my own, I thought I would ask you all for your input. Here's the options:

Option 1: Keep things the same

Option 2: Do 4 randomizer pinups and 1 personal choice picture a month

I've set the poll to last for 5 days, if you miss that window, feel free to message me your response. I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys think :)


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