Patreon Payment Declines (VERY important, please read) (Patreon)
with the attached statement:
For myself personally, what this has meant is so far only 20% of the total pledges have gone through, which means I'm currently unable to pay any of my monthly bills or even buy any food (which is why this is quite serious for me)
I'm not sure why these declines are happening, patreon hasn't explicitly mentioned the reason behind it, but for some this has manifested as the bank identifying the patreon pledge as a suspicious charge-- if this is the case for you, I'm pleading to you to see if you can do anything to fix it on your end,
Patreon has suggested that updating payment information might help, you can do this by following what's in this article:
HOWEVER, if your charge was detected as being fraudulent (as some of my current patrons have told me), what you can do is contact your bank, verify that the charge was NOT fraudulent, go back to patreon, RETRY your card through the payment section (it may not retry it manually), and it should go through fine.
The 20% of payments which have gone through for July is less money than my first funding goal of $300, which means until this situation is resolved, I will not be able to post any additional art for this month, because I will need to make up the lost money by taking commissions to ensure I still have a place to live and am able to eat.
I will keep you guys 100% up to date with this situation as I learn more and as patreon tells us more -- I just want to reiterate, you guys make the work I do possible, 100% of my frustration is directed at patreon, I love you guys, and your support means the world to me.
Thank you for understanding, thank you for taking the time to see if your payments have gone through or not, NONE of this is your fault, it is patreon's fault, but I can't do anything to fix things on my end, only you all can try resolve this issue.